Chonsetta system

The Chonsetta system was situated in the Metatessu sector of the galaxy's Mid Rim, and it included at least one comet. In 3 ABY, approximately a dozen TIE interceptors belonging to the Galactic Empire attacked the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry. This infantry unit was made up of the CR90 corvette called Thunderstrike, the Braha'tok-class gunship named Apailana's Promise, as well as a pair of X-wing starfighters. The Imperial forces had trailed a hypermatter emission originating from the Thunderstrike's hyperdrive. The TIEs, which had been concealed within a comet's tail, inflicted significant damage to the corvette's right side before the 61st managed to flee. Following the assault, the rebel company uncovered the method by which the Empire had been able to monitor their vessels.

Behind the scenes

Alexander Freed penned the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, in which the Chonsetta system is featured.

