M2-M5, an engineering droid, provided his services to the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, famously known as Twilight Company, throughout the Galactic Civil War. While stationed on the CR90 corvette named Thunderstrike, the droid detected a hypermatter emission when the corvette was being chased through the Metatessu sector in 3 ABY. He then informed First Sergeant Hazram Namir of this issue and was instructed to submit a formal report.
Later, on the planet of Ankhural, M2-M5, who had since been promoted to acting chief of engineering, oversaw the repair crews as they worked on the Thunderstrike, delivering sarcastic remarks along with his directives. As Twilight Company then attacked Imperial bases along the [Rimma Trade Route](/article/rimma_trade_route], Namir gave the droid a report after the company left the moon Obumubo. However, at the planet Sullust, the Thunderstrike was shot down while attempting to extract the ground troops, resulting in M2-M5 being destroyed while safeguarding other crew members.

During the period of the Galactic Civil War fought between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, the droid designated M2-M5 functioned as a mechanic for the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more commonly known as Twilight Company, operating from their CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike. One soldier, namely Hazram Namir, held a dislike for the droid due to its capacity for thought, yet he was repeatedly advised to place his trust in it. In the year 3 ABY, the Thunderstrike engaged in a battle with an Imperial reconnaissance squadron within the Kontahr sector. Exceeding three weeks afterward, subsequent to departing the planet Coyerti, the corvette along with its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship named Apailana's Promise, were pursued by Imperial forces through the Metatessu sector.
M2-M5 identified a hypermatter particle escape originating from a radiation refractor. Despite its microscopic size, this leak created a trail that allowed the Empire to track them. Lacking the necessary tools for repair, the droid surmised that the leak stemmed from the battle in the Kontahr sector and was detected by the Empire while at Coyerti. Moreover, M2-M5 overheard conversations from the Thunderstrike's bridge, which indicated that three Imperial battle groups were diverting from other rebel engagements to specifically hunt Twilight Company.
When Namir, now holding the rank of first sergeant, spoke with M2-M5, the droid inquired about the conversations he had overheard. Namir questioned why the droid was monitoring communications instead of working, but M2-M5 clarified that the Thunderstrike was under attack, and engine malfunctions were exacerbating the situation. After Namir requested further explanation, the droid employed his sensors to demonstrate the presence of the leak to the first sergeant, detailing his suspicions regarding its origin and how it was initially tracked. Namir then instructed him to submit a comprehensive report on the hypermatter leak to Captain Micha Evon. Subsequently, Twilight Company raided an Imperial freighter, securing supplies to facilitate the repair of the hyperdrive damage.

Following the infiltration of the Thunderstrike by Imperial spies within the Elochar sector, which resulted in the deaths of a significant portion of Twilight Company's leadership, the company sought refuge at an abandoned podracing track located on the planet Ankhural. M2-M5 assumed the role of acting chief of engineering for the company and supervised the repair teams in the process of fixing the damaged corvette. The droid personally conducted repairs on the Thunderstrike from the exterior, encased in transparent duraplast to shield his joints from dust. He interspersed his instructions to the repair crews with sarcastic remarks.
Twilight Company, under the acting leader Namir, soon embarked on a new mission: launching attacks on various Imperial installations to force redeployments from Kuat Drive Yards and weaken the yards' defenses in preparation for a final assault. During the night of the company's departure from the ocean moon Obumubo, Namir paid a visit to M2-M5, delivering a report to the droid. Approximately two weeks later, Twilight Company captured the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility situated on the manufacturing planet Sullust. However, when the Thunderstrike attempted to retrieve the ground troops, the corvette was ambushed by a squadron of TIE/IN interceptors, which resulted in the vessel being shot down. M2-M5 endeavored to protect several of the company's personnel, and was destroyed when the Thunderstrike crashed.
When Twilight squads boarded the Thunderstrike to rescue the surviving crew, M2-M5's components were discovered scattered throughout the corvette's medical bay. With the droid's demise, the engineer Vifra succeeded him as the chief of engineering. Each member of Twilight Company who perished at Sullust was eventually honored with a funeral following the company's successful defense of the Inyusu Tor facility against a counterattack, with each individual being eulogized by one of the surviving personnel.
M2-M5 was an engineering droid whose voice had a rust-like quality, according to Hazram Namir. He gave the first sergeant a sardonic impression, and while Namir distrusted machines capable of thought, he still regarded the droid as Twilight Company's best mechanic. M2-M5 referred to the Thunderstrike as his own, and as head of engineering, he barraged the repair teams with snide comments while issuing instructions on Ankhural. He was also more receptive than most of the repair crew to receiving reports at unusual hours. During the Thunderstrike's crash on Sullust, M2-M5 attempted to shield Twilight personnel, sacrificing his own existence in the process.
M2-M5's left arm was equipped with an assortment of metal picks and other tools, which could extend and retract from the droid's wrist. The droid's hands were fitted with sensors that notably enabled him to detect hypermatter particle leaks. The sensor light on his instruments would change from green to red to indicate the presence of such leaks. When operating outside the Thunderstrike on Ankhural, M2-M5 wore transparent duraplast to protect his joints from dust.
M2-M5 made an appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.