
Vifra was a member of the human species and functioned as an engineer within the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, a unit known by the moniker Twilight Company. After the previous head, M2-M5, met his death during the crash of the company's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, on the planet of Sullust, she ascended to the position of engineering head for the company.

While Twilight Company established defenses at the captured Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility, Captain Hazram Namir, the company's interim leader, suggested to Vifra's team that they construct tunnels to route lava originating from the facility's magma extraction systems. Vifra anticipated a high casualty rate among the digging teams, but she reassured Namir that they would complete the task regardless, and the plan would ultimately be successful. When the Inyusu Tor facility was attacked by Imperial forces, the constructed tunnels directed lava in such a way that it blocked the retreat of the Imperial forces.

Around the year 5 ABY, following the Alliance's transformation into the New Republic, Twilight Company, including Vifra, participated in a campaign within the Cerberon system. After the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also referred to as Shadow Wing, forced the company's squads to abandon their positions, Vifra gathered with other survivors at a speeder garage and represented the surviving engineers during a meeting with ranking officers.

During this meeting, Vifra proposed the idea of contacting other New Republic infantry units, as well as considering the possibility of disbanding the troops and dispersing them until conditions improved. When Nath Tensent, a New Republic pilot, suggested forming a squadron using locally sourced aircraft, Vifra offered to weld existing weaponry onto these airborne vehicles, although she acknowledged that the TIEs of Shadow Wing would likely still hold an advantage over the modified vehicles.


Ambitious ideas

Battle preparations

During the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire between 2 ABY and 3 ABY, Vifra, a human, enlisted in the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more commonly known as Twilight Company, at the planet Phorsa Gedd, taking on the role of a engineer within the unit. Six months later, in 3 ABY, Twilight Company became stranded on the industrial world of Sullust after the company's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, was shot down, and the corvette's escort vessel, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, fled the planet. M2-M5, a droid who previously held the position of Twilight Company's chief engineer, was destroyed in the Thunderstrike's crash, which paved the way for Vifra to assume the role.

As Twilight Company was fortifying the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility, which the company had seized before the Thunderstrike's destruction, Vifra and her fellow engineers dedicated themselves to preparing the magma extractors to channel magma flow against potential invaders. When she shared her vision for the magma extractors with Hazram Namir, the acting captain of Twilight Company, he inquired if she had been present during the company's fighting on the planet Cartao. Vifra informed Namir that she had only joined the company six months prior, and he promised to recount the events of Cartao if she helped ensure the company's survival.

The lava trap

Namir directed a dozen digging teams to bore holes for magma to flow through from the Inyusu Tor mountain facility, utilizing machinery that Twilight Company had acquired from the facility. Vifra discussed the plan with Namir, assuring him of its viability because the machines were specifically designed for this purpose. When the acting captain speculated that she might be hesitant to proceed, the chief engineer reminded him that he had encouraged her team to be ambitious, but she also cautioned that some of the digging teams would likely perish during the tunneling process. Consequently, Namir inquired whether the digging teams would still carry out the task, to which Vifra responded with a nod.

The local Imperial forces launched an assault on the Inyusu Tor facility a little over a day later. As the battle unfolded, Namir gave the order to release the magma flow into the tunnels, resulting in lava severing any potential retreat routes for the Imperial forces. Furthermore, the magma flowed through excavations made by the Sullustan resistance, a rebel group operating within Sullust's capital city of Pinyumb, inundating Imperial guard posts around the capital and sparking a local uprising. Ultimately, Twilight Company emerged victorious in the battle, departing Sullust at a later point in time.

Improvising on Troithe

Desperate plans

Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, and Twilight Company, with Vifra as a member, continued to serve as a unit within the faction. In 5 ABY, Twilight Company engaged in a campaign in the Cerberon system as part of a larger battle group. Later in the campaign, the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, known as Shadow Wing, arrived in the star system and decimated the battle group's fleet before forcing Twilight Company squads on the planet Troithe to retreat from their positions.

Vifra, covered in ash from the fighting on Troithe, met up at a three-story speeder garage in the Highgarden District, where several other Twilight Company soldiers had sought refuge. Sergeant Carver convened a meeting with the other senior members among the assembled New Republic personnel, and Vifra represented the surviving engineers in the group. With Captain Namir and half of Twilight Company away from the planet and unable to contact the remaining members, Carver assumed command of the company's troops on Troithe, despite some initial objections from the other meeting participants. After Carver asked about the group's available resources, Vifra raised the possibility of contacting other infantry units on Troithe.

Devised squadron

As the discussion shifted to the group's plan of action, Nath Tensent, a pilot in the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron, insisted that keeping Shadow Wing's TIE fighters grounded was the most effective strategy. Vifra muttered that an ion pulse could be helpful, but Carver pointed out that they lacked the necessary resources to implement such a measure. Wyl Lark, Tensent's squadron mate, suggested fleeing from the fighter wing instead, and Vifra proposed disbanding the Twilight soldiers and scattering them as if they were rebels once more, holding their positions until circumstances changed. Carver countered her suggestion, noting that the change could be Imperial reinforcements.

With the debate over how to deal with Shadow Wing still ongoing, Tensent proposed creating a squadron using airborne vehicles available on Troithe, manned by individuals with flight or driving experience. Vifra, speaking at the same time as the Sullustan Lien Toob, interjected that she could weld portable cannons and heavy rifles onto them, but she also acknowledged that the TIEs would still be superior to these armed aircraft. With the concept of a makeshift squadron gaining acceptance, Tensent assisted in securing the aircraft, which the engineers of the New Republic group then refurbished. Meanwhile, the New Republic group traveled to the Scar of Troithe, a mined-out continent on the planet. From that location, the Twilight Company soldiers and the newly formed squadron attacked Shadow Wing at the Core Nine mining megafacility, achieving victory with the assistance of New Republic reinforcements.

Personality and traits

When devising the plan to dig tunnels through the Inyusu Tor mountain, Vifra expressed concern for the lives of the digging teams but confidently assured Hazram Namir that the plan to channel lava through the tunnels would be successful. During a meeting with other surviving senior New Republic personnel on Troithe, Vifra muttered the idea of disabling the TIE fighters of Shadow Wing with an ion pulse, despite the lack of resources to carry it out. When suggesting the disbanding of the surviving personnel group, Vifra sought agreement from her comrades. She also made a face when claiming she could weld weapons onto aircraft.


Vifra's engineers used excavation tools to dig tunnels for lava to flow through during the Siege of Inyusu Tor. At Troithe, she pledged to use welding equipment to modify airspeeders.

Behind the scenes

Vifra's initial appearance was in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

