
Cartao was a planet located within the Expansion Region, and it was the site of an Imperial installation. After a group of rebels pilfered the Imperial corvette known as Carrion Spike from Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and then assaulted Galidraan Station in 14 BBY, Cartao, along with its Imperial base, was identified as a potential target by those who had stolen the vessel. When Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit from Naval Intelligence was questioned by the Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine about the situation, he included Cartao, Lantillies, and Ice Station Beta on Anteevy as possible targets.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance engaged in combat on Cartao. In 3 ABY, Captain Hazram Namir, who was in a position of temporary command, inquired of Vifra, the chief engineer, whether she had participated in the fighting on Cartao when the company found itself marooned on the industrial world of Sullust. Vifra responded that she had only been a member for half a year, so Namir said he would tell her about Cartao if she helped the Sixty-First survive.

Behind the scenes

The planet Cartao was initially referenced in the 2014 canon novel titled Tarkin, authored by James Luceno. In Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet called Cartao made its debut in the serialized short story "Hero of Cartao" – which was published in Star Wars Insider 6870. This story was penned by Timothy Zahn and distributed across issues 68, 69, and 70 of Star Wars Insider, released on June 3, July, and early September of 2003, respectively.

