Star Wars Insider number 70 marks the magazine Star Wars Insider's seventieth publication. It was available on newsstands starting in September of 2003.
- " Prequel Update " (by Dave Gross) The word is out: production is about to begin! Rick McCallum shares details with Insider in the days leading up to the start of filming.
- " Ray Park: The Face Behind Darth Maul " (by Gabriela Tscharner-Patao) The actor who started as a stuntman discusses the roles where his face is often hidden, from a Sith Lord in training to Iron Fist.
- " Alienation: The Aliens of Episode II " (by Daniel Wallace) Attack of the Clones brought a huge number of new alien species into the Star Wars universe, including the Balosars with their heightened hearing and the eerie Umbarans.
- " Alien Faces: Stuart Freeborn on Star Wars Makeup Effects " (by Ron Magid) Stuart Freeborn did more than just create new faces for aliens in the films; he also gave them muscles. Discover how this makeup genius transformed Chewbacca into something far more complex than a simple 8-foot ape.
- " Hero of Cartao : Episode III Hero's End" (by Timothy Zahn) Finally, the Jedi reveal their true intentions during the battle for Cartao.
- "From the Editor's Desk"
- " Rebel Rumblings "
- " Star News "
- " Best of Hyperspace " (by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens)
- " HoloNet News " (by Pablo Hidalgo) "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:04" "CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:9:15 Edition"
- " Gamescape " "Star Wars Galaxies Update" (by W. Haden Blackman) "Class Act" (by Scott Steinberg) "Galaxy Building 101" (by Gary M. Sarli)
- " Set Piece " — Padmé's Coruscant Apartment (by Chris Trevas)
- " Bookshelf " — Jack of Trades' New Essentials (by Jason Fry)
- " Comics Link " — Jedi vs. Jedi (by Daniel Wallace)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " — But I Was Right... From a Certain Point of View! (by Steve Sansweet)
- " Toy Box " — The Clone Wars (by Andy@Hasbro)
- " Crossword " — Fantast-Rogation (by Michael Selinker)
- " Star Wars Q&A (by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " The Last Page " (by Tony Moseley)
Star Wars Insider #70 archived in the Cargo Bay (this link may no longer be active; backup link provided)
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