Imperial scout post

The Galactic Empire established a reconnaissance station on the Mid Rim planet of Coyerti circa 3 ABY. This installation comprised a series of tents and perimeter sensors, overseen by a small group of Imperial troops. Their mission was to provide assistance to the Empire's burgeoning military operations against the Coyerti natives.


Located on the Mid Rim jungle world Coyerti, the reconnaissance station served the Galactic Empire as a support base. Its resources included stormtroopers, with at least one carrying a grenade launcher, multiple speeders equipped with homing beacons, perimeter sensors and tents.


Around 3 ABY, the reconnaissance station was erected to support the Empire's ongoing offensive against the Coyerti, the indigenous population who had resisted the Empire's occupation of their planet for approximately a decade. In 3 ABY, the post came under attack from two teams belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry, commanded by First Sergeant Hazram Namir and Sergeant Zab respectively, during the rebels' campaign to safeguard the natives during their mating season. The Imperial troops stationed at the base were taken by surprise and were killed within ten minutes following a brief engagement.

Immediately following the battle, the rebel troopers used explosives to destroy the remaining equipment at the outpost. Although Zab requested that Twilight Company make use of the speeder bikes present at the base, Namir denied the request, arguing that the speeder bikes were fitted with homing beacons that would lead to the rebels being captured. Soon after, Twilight Company retreated into the jungle, attempting to evade TIE/sa bomber attacks that were anticipated in response to the assault.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial reconnaissance station was featured in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.

