Permacrete was a type of construction material. It saw use in the creation of various structures, such as the foundations of courtyards and flooring.
Despite its reputation for durability, even permacrete structures that were two meters in thickness were vulnerable to a lightsaber. While a member of the Galactic Republic's Senate, Padmé Amidala participated in Bail Organa's committee for transportation of construction materials. This was satirized by TriNebulon News in a piece called "NAÏVE SENATOR SPREADS WINGS, LANDS IN PERMACRETE." During her service on the committee, Amidala identified three key issues with permacrete. First, it demanded a significant amount of water, which was not always readily available and difficult to transport. Second, its large size necessitated sizable vessels for transportation, leading many systems to rely on their own far less effective local substitutes. Third, in Amidala's view, it was the least interesting topic to discuss in the galaxy.
A dire situation on the planet Bromlarch necessitated a substantial quantity of permacrete to repair its aqueduct. Because it lacked the required chemical compounds to produce even a single imitation version of it, importing was necessary. Thanks to Amidala's Mid Rim Cooperation motion, the planet was able to acquire the permacrete it needed.