
Sairgon, a male officer holding the rank of lieutenant, served within the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance, a unit known by the nickname Twilight Company. He functioned as the second-in-command of the company, taking orders from Captain Micha Evon, also referred to as Howl. Following the shooting of the captain by an Imperial spy, he terminated a recruitment effort and directed Private Hazram Namir to Howl while they were stationed on the planet Vir Aphshire. After Governor Everi Chalis's defection to Twilight Company in 3 ABY, Sairgon, alongside Howl, First Sergeant Namir, and Chief Medic Von Geiz, interrogated the governor inside the captain's personal office. Sairgon commented on Chalis's failure to request defection and the fact that her residence was not the company's primary objective, and he also questioned her professional background before becoming a governor.

During the subsequent campaign that took place on the planet Coyerti, the lieutenant informed Namir and his squad about a change in course of a convoy and pleaded with Sergeant Maximian Ajax and his fellow soldiers to cease their usage of grenades once the Imperial Garrison had been destroyed. Amidst Twilight Company's pursuit by Imperial forces, an urgent meeting was convened, during which Sairgon proposed abandoning Chalis as a means of diverting their pursuers. Following the governor's proposal to board and seize an Imperial transport, the lieutenant voiced his concern that the vessel might sustain damage during the operation.

Following a raid on an Imperial freighter, Sairgon reviewed a report in conjunction with Namir and Howl. Twilight Company then met with a rebel flotilla located in the Elochar sector. While their CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, was undergoing repairs, Sairgon attempted to keep the troops occupied. The corvette then took aboard survivors from the crippled light freighter Trumpet's Call, who were, in reality, Imperial spies. The spies broke loose, and before being killed by the Imperial infiltrators, Sairgon managed to contact the rest of the flotilla.


Joining the Alliance

Before the war that erupted between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Sairgon engaged in various professions, including acting, music, and historical studies. He eventually enlisted in the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, more popularly known as Twilight Company, where he advanced to the rank of lieutenant. He assumed the role of second-in-command of the company, serving under the leadership of Captain Micha Evon, known as Howl, with whom he formed a close bond and learned about his past. After a recruit named Brand joined Twilight Company on the planet Veron, she investigated Sairgon's history and discovered his previous talents.

During a recruitment drive on the planet Demiloch, Howl was shot by an Imperial Spy who was pretending to be a new recruit. Consequently, Sairgon prematurely ended the recruitment drive, a decision that angered Howl upon awakening three days later. Following a battle on the planet Vir Aphshire in 0 ABY, Private Hazram Namir received a report from Sergeant Fektrin to deliver to Howl. Sairgon escorted Namir to Howl's tent and left them to converse privately.

The Imperial defector

In 3 ABY, Twilight Company attacked the planet Haidoral Prime, where the Imperial Governor Everi Chalis opted to defect to the company. Onboard the Thunderstrike, the CR90 corvette that served as Twilight Company's headquarters and troop carrier, Howl questioned Chalis with Sairgon and Chief Medic Von Geiz at his sides, and Namir, now a first sergeant, observing Chalis from behind. As the meeting commenced, Geiz examined Chalis while the lieutenant glared at the governor. After Chalis explained that her assignment on Haidoral Prime was a form of punishment, she presented Howl with a bottle of alcohol and some fruit, which prompted Sairgon to look questioningly at the captain.

When Chalis asserted that her Imperial career had concluded upon Twilight Company's arrival on the planet, the lieutenant added that her mansion, where Twilight troops discovered her, was not the company's intended target. The governor elaborated on her reasoning, and Sairgon remarked that it was unfortunate she had not requested to defect, as it would have spared the rebels considerable trouble. Chalis then offered her knowledge of the Empire's "lifeblood," leading the lieutenant to inquire about her previous occupation before becoming governor. After she responded to Sairgon's question, she discussed the Alliance's retreat from the Mid Rim and leaned in to whisper in Howl's ear. Sairgon watched with concern and resentment as Namir pulled the governor back, and Howl concluded the meeting.

Coyerti campaign

Shortly thereafter, Twilight Company initiated a campaign on the jungle planet Coyerti. On the second day, the lieutenant informed Namir and his squad that a convoy they were planning to ambush had altered its course at dawn. At another point, the Coyerti natives aided some rebel soldiers against the Imperial Garrison, and Sairgon implored Sergeant Maximian Ajax and others to stop wasting grenades.

Following the campaign, Ajax recounted his experience with Sairgon in a social space on the Thunderstrike, eliciting laughter from the soldiers who were listening. Namir was scheduled to meet with the lieutenant afterward but chose to force his way into Howl's office to deliver a report.

Gathering supplies

Following the Coyerti Campaign, Twilight Company endured three attacks in the Metatessu sector due to a hypermatter leak in the Thunderstrike's hyperdrive. Howl convened a meeting with senior Twilight personnel, including Sairgon, and the bridge crew of the Thunderstrike and its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise. After the captain summarized the situation, the lieutenant speculated that stronger forces would pursue the company and proposed abandoning Chalis in a shuttle to alleviate pressure from the Empire's forces, expressing concern that a Star Destroyer might attack next.

Howl, however, insisted that the governor would not be abandoned and argued that she had already secured the Alliance's only real victory in recent times. He then invited the other attendees to share their ideas, and Chalis eventually proposed boarding an Imperial cargo transport to create a new troop carrier. Sairgon questioned how the company could prevent damaging the transport or keep it from self-destructing, but Namir soon suggested that Twilight Company could instead raid the vessel for supplies.

Twilight Company raided an Imperial heavy freighter shortly thereafter. Following the raid, the Thunderstrike and Apailana's Promise were scheduled for repairs in a flotilla. During a meeting with Howl and Namir, Sairgon remarked that the number of casualties from the raid was acceptable until he examined the individuals who had been lost. The lieutenant then explained the repair plan to the first sergeant shortly afterward, and Howl revealed that he and Chalis were meeting with the Alliance High Command at their secret base, with Namir and two others serving as their escort.

Slain by spies

With Howl, Chalis, and their escort meeting with the High Command, the rest of Twilight Company proceeded to the flotilla. While repairs were being made to the Thunderstrike under Commander Paonu's supervision, Sairgon devised exercises and war games and granted shore leave to other Alliance vessels to keep troops away from the engineers performing the repairs. After ten days, the rebel light freighter Trumpet's Call arrived at the flotilla with non-functional life support. The survivors were taken aboard the Thunderstrike, unaware that the injured individuals were an Imperial infiltration team that had killed the real crew.

The spies soon broke loose, and the bridge crew attempted to isolate them by sealing the blast doors aboard the Thunderstrike. As the infiltration team reached the bridge, Sairgon sent a message to the rest of the flotilla, urging the rebel ships to retreat. He was then shot dead by the spies, and the other flotilla ships scattered, except for the Apailana's Promise and the damaged Trumpet's Call. The Thunderstrike was soon retaken by Brand and the remaining bridge crew, and the corvette and the Promise fled into hyperspace.


Howl also perished during his time at the High Command's base. Following the captain's subsequent funeral, Brand mentioned that only Sairgon had known Howl's past, with Namir adding that the captain had died a legend and the lieutenant was also deceased.

Personality and traits

As a human male, Sairgon assumed command of Twilight Company in Howl's absence, such as when the captain was shot on Demiloch or when Howl departed to visit the Alliance High Command. He never disclosed his past to the company, except to Howl, with whom he shared a close relationship and who was the only one aware of the captain's history. He scowled at Everi Chalis while she was being cuffed during her initial meeting with Howl. Sairgon stood rigidly behind the captain during the meeting, giving Hazram Namir the impression of an ancient and gnarled tree. He made remarks to Chalis, implying that Twilight Company was not targeting her residence and that she would have simplified matters by requesting to defect.

After Chalis whispered in Howl's ear, Sairgon displayed a bitter and concerned expression. When Twilight Company was pursued through the Metatessu sector, the lieutenant proposed abandoning Chalis, fearing that she was the reason the Imperial forces were attacking, and expressing concern that a Star Destroyer might attack. After the governor later suggested capturing an Imperial transport, Sairgon argued that the vessel could be damaged in the process or rigged to self-destruct. As Imperial spies attacked the Thunderstrike's bridge, the lieutenant chose to warn the rest of the Alliance flotilla about the infiltration to ensure the rebel ships escaped.

Behind the scenes

Sairgon made an appearance in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

