Demiloch was a celestial body of the terrestrial type. It existed within the overlapping areas of the Mid Rim Territories and the Slice. Its location was designated as R-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. This object was linked via a hyperspace route to both Daalang and [Lannik]. By 3 ABY, according to the year, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance conducted recruitment activities on Demiloch.
While the recruitment was ongoing, an Imperial spy, posing as a potential recruit, shot Captain Micha Evon. Evon was the commanding officer of the company. Although shot, Evon survived, remaining unconscious for a period of two days before making a recovery. Due to this event, Lieutenant Sairgon, who served as Evon's second-in-command, terminated the recruitment drive prematurely. The events that transpired on Demiloch were later referenced during Evon's funeral in 3 ABY by Brand, a rebel soldier who had previously worked as a bounty hunter.
The planet Demiloch initially appeared in Battlefront: Twilight Company, a novel authored by Alexander Freed and released in 2015.