In the year 3 ABY, amidst the Galactic Civil War fought between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Imperial forces seized an Alliance light freighter known as Trumpet's Call. Due to the failure of the life support systems during the conflict, the rebel freighter's crew, including its captain, perished, either succumbing to asphyxiation or incineration. Subsequently, a team of infiltrators, assembled by an Imperial Special Forces commander stationed on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Herald, commandeered the crippled Trumpet's Call. This team then piloted the light freighter toward an Alliance flotilla situated within the Elochar sector. By feigning the role of rebel survivors, these Imperial spies successfully infiltrated the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike, though they met their demise shortly after their true identities were discovered by the rebels.
Alexander Freed's 2015 novel, Battlefront: Twilight Company, included a reference to the Trumpet's Call's capture.