Lylee Anaraku

Lylee Anaraku was a Mirialan male who fought for the Rebel Alliance in the Galactic Civil War, specifically within the ranks of the 61st Mobile Infantry, also known as Twilight Company. During the attack that his company launched on the planet of Allst Prime, he went searching for a fellow soldier, Brand. Brand had previously saved him from an Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport, also known as an AT-ST walker. Anaraku expressed confidence in Brand's ability to handle the walker, but his comrade questioned how he would manage without her help. Following the events on Allst Prime, he attempted to persuade Brand to join him and Briala, a fellow company member, in a game of Lifters, but she ignored him. Later, Anaraku was ambushed and rendered unconscious by an Imperial, only to be rescued by Brand once again.


Lylee Anaraku served as a soldier for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, fighting in the 61st Mobile Infantry, famously known as Twilight Company. He formed friendships with Brand and Briala, another member of Twilight Company, with whom he planned to play the card game Lifters. After hearing Briala refer to All Terrain Scout Transports—AT-ST walkers—as "Stalkers," Anaraku adopted the term. Sometime between 2 BBY and 0 BBY, Twilight Company attacked Allst Prime, a relatively unimportant planet, with the objective of targeting the Imperial outpost located there.

Lylee Anaraku fighting with Twilight Company on Allst Prime

As Twilight Company's soldiers engaged with Imperial forces within the forests of Allst Prime, Anaraku made the decision to search for Brand, unaware of an approaching AT-ST. Just as the walker was about to fire upon the Mirialan, Brand intervened, tackling him to the ground and saving him from the AT-ST's attack. After Anaraku explained that he was looking for her, she commented on his obliviousness to the AT-ST. He expressed his confidence that the walker was no match for Brand, using the nickname "stalker," which confused her. When she inquired about what he would do if she wasn't there to assist, Anaraku remained confident in her abilities.

Anaraku then invited Brand to join him and Briala for a game of Lifters after the battle, with Brand briefly saving him from a stray blaster shot in between his sentences. Ignoring his invitation, she pushed past him, crawling along a log to acquire a target with her blaster. Anaraku kept pleading with her, but she ignored him. It was at that point that an Imperial launched a surprise attack from behind. He yelled for Brand, but he quickly lost consciousness. Brand, hearing Anaraku's cries, turned around and shot the Imperial, rushing to his aid. She removed his head covering and noticed blood seeping from the back of his head.

Personality and traits

Lylee Anaraku was a Mirialan male characterized by green eyes and yellow-green skin. His facial features included black, diamond-shaped markings on his cheeks that extended across his skin. He shared a close bond with Brand, a fellow rebel, but his focus on finding and talking to her during the battle on Allst Prime nearly resulted in his death on two separate occasions.


Lylee Anaraku was seen wearing brown clothing and carrying a blaster rifle. He also wore a cloth covering on his head.

Behind the scenes

Lylee Anaraku's character was presented through flashbacks in "Inbrief," a short story authored by Janine K. Spendlove. This story was initially featured in Star Wars Insider 161 on November 10, 2015.

