
Briala served within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry during the early rebellion that opposed the Galactic Empire. The Mirialan individual named Lylee Anaraku overheard her referring to AT-ST walkers as "stalkers," subsequently adopting the moniker. Furthermore, Briala acquired a set of playing cards, and Anaraku intended to engage in a game of Lifters with her on the CR90 corvette called Thunderstrike after the 61st's subsequent assignment which occurred on the planet Allst Prime sometime between 2 BBY and 0 BBY. On Allst Prime, when Anaraku used the term "stalkers," the rebel trooper known as Brand inquired about the expression, prompting the Mirialan to clarify that Briala was the source. He also alluded to Briala's cards, asking Brand if she was interested in playing Lifters with them after the conflict.

Behind the scenes

The character of Briala received a mention in the short story titled "Inbrief," penned by Janine K. Spendlove and initially featured in Star Wars Insider 161 on November 10, 2015.

