The Sixmoon functioned as a starship within the Rebel Alliance's fleet throughout the Galactic Civil War. This vessel was named after Sixmoon, a celestial body found in the Velusia system. This ship, commanded by Captain So-Hem, was part of a flotilla in the Elochar sector in 3 ABY, comprised of a dozen starships organized into four rebel battle groups. The CR90 corvette Thunderstrike, which served as the troop transport for the 61st Mobile Infantry, was another ship present; Captain So-Hem extended an invitation to its crew to visit the Sixmoon. Gadren and [Roach](/article/roach], both soldiers within the 61st, planned to accept the captain's offer. Gadren asked Brand, a former bounty hunter and fellow member of their company, to accompany him and Roach, however, the previous hunter of bounty declined.
Alexander Freed's 2015 novel, Battlefront: Twilight Company, included a reference to the Sixmoon.