Garmen Naadra

Garmen Naadra was a TIE fighter pilot of human descent. After her graduation from the Imperial Academy, she became a member of the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Under the mentorship of Major Soran Keize, she achieved the rank of lieutenant. Following the devastated of a New Republic battle group by the 204th near the planet Troithe in 5 ABY, Naadra and her squadron, known as Squadron Three, were tasked with locating a persistent remnant active on the planet's surface.

The lieutenant discovered this remnant as it moved through a network of tunnels toward another continent, and she found herself pursued by New Republic pilot Wyl Lark. During this pursuit, Naadra attempted to bring down a tunnel roof on Lark, but this tactic backfired, leading to her demise. As the first pilot lost by the 204th after their initial assault on the battle group, a memorial was held for the fallen lieutenant, and Keize shared stories of her with the rest of her squadron.


Unsuccessful hunt

During the time of the Galactic Empire, Garmen Naadra attended the Imperial Academy before becoming a TIE fighter pilot in the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Soon after joining the fighter wing, Major Soran Keize became her mentor, supporting her interest in tactical planning and custom simulator drills for several months until she became a confident member of the 204th. In 5 ABY, by which time Naadra had achieved the rank of lieutenant, the 204th, led by the newly promoted Colonel Keize, attacked a New Republic battle group in orbit above the planet Troithe within the Cerberon system. Naadra's squadron, Squadron Three, participated in this attack, which resulted in the destruction of much of the battle group's fleet as well as the loss of some of the 204th's own capital ships. Naadra's belongings were lost when the fighter wing's Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier Aerie was destroyed.

Wyl Lark pursued Naadra through the tunnels

The fighter wing then launched an attack on the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry on the planet's surface, forcing the infantry to retreat. Squadron Three, including Naadra, was tasked with finding a large group of scattered New Republic forces, which was reported to have limited air support and transport capabilities. Piloting a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, Naadra scouted through tunnels leading towards the Scar of Troithe, a heavily mined continent. During this scouting mission, she located the reported remnant, which was moving through the tunnels as a caravan of repulsorcraft carrying troops, supported by a small number of starfighters and airspeeders.

The caravan's air support detected Naadra, and RZ-1 A-wing interceptor pilot Wyl Lark pursued her as she flew past the repulsor vehicles, some of the infantry firing at her TIE fighter. Naadra then entered a narrow tunnel, with Lark following closely behind. Upon reaching a wider passage, she attempted to lure Lark into her firing range. However, the A-wing pilot maintained his position and contacted Naadra, demanding her surrender. Instead, the lieutenant fired at the tunnel roof, hoping to collapse it on Lark. Her opponent returned fire, avoiding the falling debris. Naadra's TIE was destroyed in the process, and the lieutenant perishing in the wreckage.


Soran Keize told stories of Naadra to the members of Squadron Three

After Naadra's death, the remaining members of Squadron Three continued their pursuit of the caravan. Lark considered using the same tactic of collapsing the tunnel roof, and Carver, the apparent unit-commander of the remnant, detonated a repulsorcar to block a tunnel entrance while the TIE squadron eliminated one of the airspeeder pilots. Naadra's death was the first pilot loss for the 204th since their initial attack on the New Republic battle group at the Cerberon System. A memorial service, led by Squadron Two's Captain Darita, was held for the lieutenant in the Taa Complex of Troithe's ecumenopolis. Keize, who had been promoted to colonel and was now the 204th's commanding officer, attended the service and shared stories about Naadra with the members of Squadron Three.

Later, the colonel had a dream about avenging the lieutenant, but she soon transformed into another of his colleagues in the dream. During the Battle of Jakku several months later, the 204th engaged in a fierce battle with a New Republic starfighter wing led by Lark, which included many pilots who had previously fought against the Imperial fighter wing. As the fighting intensified, both sides began shouting out the names of their fallen comrades, including Naadra's name.

Personality and traits

Garmen Naadra, a human, was initially mistaken for a male by the airspeeder pilot Gorgeous Su. The lieutenant had joined the Imperial forces with the goal of improving her piloting skills and overcoming her fears. She also had a strong interest in tactical planning and custom simulator drills. During her pursuit by Wyl Lark, Naadra first tried to lure him into her firing range before attempting to collapse the tunnel roof on him, which ultimately led to her demise.

Behind the scenes

Garmen Naadra made her first appearance as a fighter pilot in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, the second book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy written by Alexander Freed.

