A nephew, who was male, was related to Vitale, a New Republic pilot. Vitale resided on the planet of Corellia during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Approximately around 5 ABY, while engaged in a match of Who? What? Where?—a game where each participant must declare who initially learned of their death, the cause of their demise, and the location where it occurred—on the planet of Troithe, Vitale expressed her desire for her nephew to be the first to receive news of her death, as she wished for him to remember her. During the Battle of Jakku that same year, Vitale engaged in Who? What? Where? with pilots from the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing through a communication channel. In that instance, she initially selected her nephew again, but subsequently changed her choice to her fellow soldiers within the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry, where she had previously served.
The character of Vitale's nephew was initially brought up in the 2020 novel, Shadow Fall, which represents the second book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy and was authored by Alexander Freed.