T5, also known as Tee-five, functioned as an astromech droid of the C1-series and was the property of Nath Tensent. Tensent utilized T5's services both during his time with the Rebel Alliance squadron, and subsequently in the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron. Following the Battle of Jakku by a period of four months, Nath Tensent transferred ownership of T5 to Wyl Lark, an event that took place after Lark's visit to Tensent on Freerock. A duration of six years following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War saw T5 in attendance when Wyl Lark inquired of [Yrica Quell](/article/yrica_quell], a fellow member of Alphabet Squadron, about her interest in encountering a survivor from the Destruction of Nacronis. This occurred after Lark's departure from a visit with Quell and Chass na Chadic at their home situated on Spirana.