Pormthulis system

The Pormthulis system, a star system situated in the Expansion Region, played host to a notable event: the presence of the crippled Edict, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. New Republic forces were assigned to guard it. However, in the year 5 ABY, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing launched an operation to capture the Star Destroyer, successfully overcoming the New Republic defenders. Subsequently, the fighter wing dismantled its own Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier, the Allegiance, utilizing the salvaged components to restore the Edict's ability to travel through hyperspace.


Found at coordinates N-16 on the Standard Galactic Grid, the Pormthulis system was a star system located within the Expansion Region. Its position allowed for hyperspace route connections to both Kira and Pax, with Pax itself lying along the Hydian Way super-hyperroute.


During the waning years of the Galactic Civil War, the Edict, a disabled Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, was adrift in the Pormthulis system and protected by New Republic forces. In 5 ABY, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing discovered the Edict and moved to capture the Star Destroyer. While Squadron Five of the fighter wing, flying TIE fighters, engaged the New Republic escort ships, squadrons Two and Four conducted reconnaissance passes of the Edict. Major Soran Keize, serving as a special advisor to the 204th, piloted his TIE to land aboard the Star Destroyer. He investigated activity in section fourteen, discovering Captain Oratio Nenvez along with nearly twenty other crew members who had evaded capture by the New Republic. The major extended an invitation for the remaining crew of the Edict to join his unit. After wresting control of the Edict from the New Republic, Keize ordered the dismantling of the 204th's Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier, the Allegiance, to facilitate the Star Destroyer's escape with the 204th. Within approximately six hours, the Edict's crew successfully retrofitted their [vessel](/article/starship], restoring its hyperspace capabilities, and the fighter wing departed alongside the Edict.

Behind the scenes

The Pormthulis system was first introduced to readers in Alexander Freed's 2020 novel, Shadow Fall.

