Parozha VII

Parozha VII, a space station used for resupply, was run by a family of Parwans, supposedly across many generations. This station originally provided supplies to the Galactic Empire, but following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, it switched to supporting the newly formed New Republic. The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Empire attacked Parozha VII circa 5 ABY, aiming to pilfer its resources. Squadrons Two, Three, and Four from the fighter wing descended upon the station, obliterating the connected starships. Subsequently, these squadrons forced open the cargo holds, which killed the people inside from lack of air. This allowed the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Edict to collect the cargo utilizing its tractor beam from the destroyer.

Behind the scenes

Alexander Freed included Parozha VII in his 2020 novel, Shadow Fall.

