The planet Jarbanov, positioned at the junction of the Expansion Region and the Slice, was orbited by a desolate moon. This moon resided in grid square P-11 of the Standard Galactic Grid, situated at the edge of the junker systems.
During 5 ABY, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing of the Galactic Empire executed an operation. As part of this operation, Squadron Four, a squadron within the wing, assaulted the colony located on Jarbanov. Simultaneously, the _Quasar Fire_-class cruiser-carrier Aerie retrieved the debris of nine TIE/ln space superiority starfighters from the junk rings orbiting Jarbanov. Upon their departure from the planet, Squadron Four successfully avoided a New Republic corvette in Jarbanov's orbit and met up with another cruiser-carrier, the Allegiance, which was waiting, as previously arranged, behind Jarbanov's moon. The Allegiance then gathered the squadron and jumped into hyperspace.
The moon of Jarbanov appeared in Shadow Fall, the second book of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy by Alexander Freed, released in 2020.