
Kirtarkin, situated within the Kirtarkin system of the Anoat sector, was a planet that existed in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Despite the presence of numerous recycling depots established by the Galactic Empire on Kirtarkin, they arrived too late to salvage the planet's already heavily polluted environment.

During the period of the Iron Blockade, which the Empire initiated to suppress information regarding their devastating loss to the Alliance to Restore the Republic at the Battle of Endor from spreading among the population of the Anoat sector, the Smuggler dispatched members of their crew to Kirtarkin on various assignments. These included scavenging Imperial recycling facilities for valuable items, rescuing an informant from Imperial detention at the behest of their contacts before any interrogation could take place, and locating a thief responsible for the theft of Morodin-fertilized aleudrupe berries belonging to Trade Spine League holdings on Kirtarkin.

Behind the scenes

Originally, Kirtarkin was conceived for the Star Wars Legends web article titled "Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin." This article was authored by Jason Fry, Daniel Wallace, and Craig Robert Carey for Wizards of the Coast and made available in 2004. Kirtarkin achieved canon status through its inclusion in the action role-playing game Star Wars: Uprising. This game was created by Kabam for iOS and Android devices and launched on September 10, 2015.

