The 10th of September marks the 253rd day in a standard year, or the 254th day during leap years. Following this date, there are 112 days until the year concludes.
- In 1963, Jay Laga'aia's birth occurred.
- In 1979, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate started running the Tatooine Sojourn serial.
- Keira Wingate was born in 1994.
- 2003 saw the publication of Empire 11.
- The Clone Wars 1 was released in 2008.
- In 2009, Death Troopers: Recovered Messages from Purge was made available online via numerous fan websites.
- The publication of Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1 occurred in 2013.
- Len Wein passed away in 2017.
- Star Wars Insider 192 was published during 2019.
- The death of Eric Jones occurred during 2022.
- The publication of Queen's Series: Padmé Paperback Box Set happened in 2024.
- The year 2024 also saw the release of Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 9 – Rise of the Schism Imperial.
- Also in 2024, Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Rebellion Vol. 6 was published.
- The forthcoming publication of Jedi Knights 7 is scheduled for 2025.