
Adrialla, who reigned as the queen of Eiram, lived circa 382 BBY during the High Republic Era. She acted as the adoptive mother to Phan-tu Zenn and was the wife of Odelia.


Queen of Eiram

Born to the Queen of Eiram, Adrialla was the designated successor. In her youth, her mother intended for her to wed a Pantoran baron, but Adrialla defied these plans and instead married a woman by the name of Odelia. Because they were unable to have biological children, they chose to adopt an orphaned boy named Phan-tu Zenn, whose family perished in the floods that devastated the Rayes Canal region of Erasmus Capital City. Eventually, Adrialla ascended to the throne of Eiram. Starting around 387 BBY, her time as ruler was overshadowed by a renewed war with Eiram's sister planet, E'ronoh, which began after the accidental drowning of Prince Niko A'lbaran of E'ronoh on Eiram. During the conflict, Adrialla entered into an agreement with the Mother, the leader of a radical Force cult known as the Path of the Open Hand, trading a poison derived from Eiram's blue scorpions at a clandestine research facility on Arium Island for provisions like food, medicine, and fuel.

Peace talks with E'ronoh

The initial summit

By the time 382 BBY arrived, the war had exacted a heavy toll on both Eiram and E'ronoh. Adrialla reached out to the Galactic Republic for assistance, and they agreed to dispatch a vessel loaded with medical supplies, guarded by Jedi Masters Creighton Sun and Char-Ryl-Roy, Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, and Roy's padawan Enya Keen. Simultaneously, E'ronoh was anticipating the arrival of a hauler carrying much-needed ice to the arid planet, prompting Princess Xiri A'lbaran to propose a short-lived ceasefire, which Adrialla and the Eirami accepted. The Republic's aid delivery to Eiram was, unfortunately, complicated by the unexpected arrival of Chancellor Orlen Mollo, who, upon hearing of the ceasefire, sought to capitalize on it by negotiating a lasting peace. The Longbeam cruisers carrying the Jedi and Mollo collided, while an E'ronohian starfighter, sabotaged by the Path of the Open Hand to prolong the war, malfunctioned and initiated a clash with Eirami fighters. Although Gella Nattai managed to prevent the situation from escalating, the skirmish resulted in Princess Xiri crash-landing on Eiram, where she was rescued by Adrialla's son, Prince Phan-tu.

Xiri was presented to Adrialla, who played a holorecording from her father, Monarch A'lbaran, demanding Xiri's return under the threat of an E'roni assault on Eiram. Adrialla then broadcast a message from Chancellor Mollo, who aimed to convene both parties on his flagship, the Paxion, for peace negotiations. Adrialla suggested that Xiri represent her homeworld in her father's place. Xiri consented to send a message to her father to confirm her safety, and Adrialla decided that they would all travel to the Paxion that evening. As fate would have it, Monarch A'lbaran also agreed to attend the summit, which was overseen by Mollo and the Jedi. The initial day proved largely unproductive, with the E'roni delegation accusing Adrialla of orchestrating Prince Niko's death, sabotaging the E'roni starfighter, and seizing their colony. Adrialla denied these allegations, prompting A'lbaran to leave abruptly. Over the following days, the talks continued to falter, failing to bring either side any closer to reconciliation.

One evening, Adrialla was confronted by Serrena, a member of the Path of the Open Hand, who had infiltrated the Paxion. Serrena accused Adrialla of violating her agreement with the Mother to supply Eirami poison. Adrialla asserted that the E'roni had destroyed the research facility on Arium Island during one of their bombing raids, but Serrena remained unconvinced and threatened to harm Phan-tu unless production resumed. At that moment, Queen Consort Odelia awoke and shot Serrena with her blaster. Serrena sustained injuries but managed to escape through an air vent.

Shortly thereafter, Mollo and the Jedi displayed holorecordings of the suffering endured by the E'roni and Eirami people on screens throughout the ship. This prompted Princess Xiri to propose a marriage between herself and Prince Phan-tu as a means of establishing lasting peace between the worlds. Adrialla was initially hesitant, hoping that Phan-tu would marry for love as she had, but her adoptive son ultimately convinced her to agree. However, that night, the E'roni military officer Jerrod Segaru was discovered dead in Phan-tu's bed, a clear indication that a third party was attempting to undermine the peace process. Soon after, Axel Greylark, the son of Chancellor Kyong Greylark, who had been dispatched to represent his mother's interests, joined the summit.

Visit to E'ronoh

Segaru's funeral took place in E'ronoh's capital, the Rook. Adrialla and the Eirami delegation were present, but following the ceremony, they were bombarded with stones by an extremist pro-war faction known as the Children of E'ronoh. Enraged, Adrialla vehemently informed Monarch A'lbaran and the Jedi that their protection needed to be taken more seriously. Consequently, it was decided that both heirs would embark on a tour of E'ronoh to garner support from the planet's populace and to expose potential attackers. As it turned out, Xiri and Phan-tu were indeed attacked by the Children of E'ronoh, led by Rev Ferrol, the son of Monarch A'lbaran's close advisor, Viceroy Ferrol, who was imprisoned. Despite the apparent identification of the saboteurs, the Jedi remained cautious, suspecting the involvement of other forces. The first of two ceremonies was then held to celebrate Xiri and Phan-tu's wedding, during which another assassin was apprehended - although this time she was mysteriously poisoned before she could be interrogated. To observers, the poison bore a striking resemblance to that of an Eirami blue scorpion.

Wedding on Eiram

When the delegations relocated to Eiram for the Eirami wedding ceremony, Prince Phan-tu took Axel Greylark to investigate Arium Island and its research facility. They discovered that the facility was still producing poison, and Phan-tu confronted Adrialla about her concealment of this fact. Adrialla claimed that she had only viewed the poison as a means of ending the war but admitted that she had been persuaded into pursuing its development by the Mother, a decision she regretted. Princess Xiri overheard the entire conversation but believed that the facility needed to remain operational as a safeguard for their future protection - they were uncertain of what threats might lie ahead. Shortly thereafter, Phan-tu and Xiri were married. The wedding day was marred by the actions of Axel Greylark, who had been collaborating with the Mother all along, to disrupt it by destroying the capital's protective dome and luring a large number of bounty hunters into attacking the venue. Greylark was apprehended by Gella Nattai, while the other Jedi managed to repel the attacking bounty hunters. An assault by Rev Ferrol and the Children of E'ronoh was thwarted by Princess Xiri, albeit at the expense of the Paxion. With the marriage concluded, it was agreed that the peace accords would be formally signed at a summit on the sacred moon of Jedha.

