
Ferrol, a male human, held the position of Viceroy on the planet E'ronoh and was a trusted advisor to Monarch A'lbaran. Around the year 382 BBY, after the Eiram and E'ronoh War concluded with Princess Xiri A'lbaran of E'ronoh's decision to marry Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram, Ferrol and his offspring, Rev Ferrol, were instrumental in establishing the Children of E'ronoh, a terrorist group. This organization aimed to overthrow the A'lbaran dynasty, paving the way for the Ferrols to seize control of the government and reignite the war with the Eirami.

Leveraging his influential connections, Ferrol acquired information regarding the route of Xiri A'lbaran's relief mission across E'ronoh, which he then passed on to his son, enabling him and the Children of E'ronoh to ambush her. Following the failure of his son's assault, Ferrol was interrogated by Jedi Padawan Enya Keen at the request of both Monarch A'lbaran and Queen Adrialla of Eiram. Subsequently, after suspicion fell on Ferrol for the demise of a Kage assassin named Abda, who had attempted to assassinate Xiri A'lbaran, he confronted Axel Greylark, the son of Chancellor Kyong Greylark, having witnessed him entering the tower before the assassin's death. Ferrol obliterated Axel Greylark's droid, QN-1, and revealed his knowledge, however, Greylark discerned that Ferrol was not a killer and gained the advantage, fatally stabbing Ferrol with his own bane blade, and then shooting him with his own blaster. Greylark had indeed murdered Abda, confirming Ferrol's suspicions.

