Rev Ferrol was a male human, offspring to Viceroy Ferrol, who governed the planet E'ronoh. Around the time of 382 BBY, following the resolution of the Eiram and E'ronoh War when E'roni Princess Xiri A'lbaran chose to marry Prince Phan-tu Zenn from Eiram, Rev, alongside his father, was instrumental in establishing the terrorist organization known as the Children of E'ronoh. Their objective was the downfall of A'lbaran and her father, paving the way for the Ferrols to seize control of the government and persist in their war efforts to annihilate the Eirami. He committed the murder of E'roni Captain Jerrod Segaru at the conclusion of the summit aboard the Paxion, considering Segaru a liability due to his allegiance to A'lbaran.
Subsequently, Rev exploited his father's influence to gain insights into the route of A'lbaran's aid mission across E'ronoh. He then utilized this information to ambush her at the mining settlement of U'ronoh. There, he and the Children abducted both her and Zenn, plotting their assassination by abandoning them in a transport rigged to plummet into The Rook, the capital city of E'ronoh. After Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Axel Greylark thwarted this scheme, he later launched an assault on the wedding of Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran utilizing a drill ship. However, A'lbaran countered his attack, engaging him in combat within a starfighter and cleverly maneuvering him into crashing into the ocean of Eiram, resulting in his ultimate demise.