In the year 382 BBY, a pivotal meeting occurred on the Paxion, orchestrated by Galactic Republic Chancellor Orlen Mollo. The purpose of this summit was to broker a peace agreement between the planets of Eiram and E'ronoh, aiming to bring a definitive end to the Eiram and E'ronoh War. To facilitate this, he positioned his personal Longbeam cruiser, the Paxion, in the space between the warring worlds. Queen Adrialla of Eiram, accompanied by her family, and Monarch A'lbaran of E'ronoh, along with his advisors, both journeyed to the cruiser. The Jedi Order also attended this crucial conference, hoping their presence would ensure security and help mediate any disputes.
The discussions during the summit stretched over several days, but progress was slow. Eventually, Princess Xiri A'lbaran from E'ronoh proposed a solution: she would marry Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram. The intention was to recapture the time of alliance that once existed between their planets and guarantee a lasting peace. Both sides embraced this proposal, deciding that the future heirs would embark on a goodwill tour across both planets, culminating in a two-part wedding with ceremonies held on each of their respective home worlds.
The summit that took place on the Paxion is depicted in the 2022 novel titled The High Republic: Convergence, written by Zoraida Córdova.