Abda's brother

A Kage male, who was the brother to a Kage female later known as Abda, lived with his parents and sister on their homeworld of Quarzite as part of a clan, where they all practiced combat. After the brother's marriage to their spouse in a grand wedding, his sister, feeling unfairly treated by their family, departed Quarzite. In 382 BBY, Abda reflected with bitterness on her brother's wedding.


Abda's brother lived on Quarzite with their family.

On the crystalline world of Quarzite, their homeworld, a Kage male resided with his Kage parents and sister as part of their clan. During the era of the High Republic Era, both he and his sister were trained in combat by their parents, adhering to the warrior traditions expected of them. Eventually, the brother entered into marriage with their spouse, with their wedding becoming a significant event for their clan.

Feeling she could never match her brother's combat skills, the sister chose to leave her homeworld on the day of his wedding. Adopting the name Abda, she sought to break from her past, knowing that remaining would mean following a similar path to her sibling. After joining the Path of the Open Hand cult, Abda harbored resentment towards her family's disparate treatment, believing that the galaxy often favored sons over daughters.

In 382 BBY, while infiltrating a pre-wedding celebration at the royal palace on E'ronoh, she recalled her disdain for her brother's wedding as she remembered her distaste for her family's event and those like it. After her capture for attempting to poison the E'roni Princess Xiri A'lbaran that day, Abda was imprisoned in the Rook, the capital city of E'ronoh. When Axel Greylark, an operative of the Path of the Open Hand, attacked her with poison under the orders of Path leader the Mother, Abda attempted to use her combat training with her brother and parents to defend herself. However, Greylark successfully poisoned her, leading to her death.

Personality and traits

Abda held resentment towards her brother for surpassing her in combat, which led her to view her sibling's wedding event with scorn. She believed her family would always perceive her brother as superior, prompting her departure from Quarzite to seek a new existence.

Skills and abilities

Being an individual who embraced the warrior traditions of their people, the Kage possessed combat skills. Like all Kage, the brother had an eidetic memory.

Behind the scenes

The brother of Abda was mentioned in Convergence, a 2022 novel penned by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.

