Braxen was a soldier of the E'roni people, originating from the planet E'ronoh located in the Outer Rim. He dedicated a number of years to serving in the military of his homeworld, but chose to resign and work as a quarry miner during a time of peace. However, in 387 BBY, when E'ronoh resumed their war with their neighbor, the planet Eiram (also in the Outer Rim), Braxen reenlisted. He became a pilot in E'ronoh's fleet, operating a drill ship. On one occasion, he unhesitatingly followed orders to unleash destruction on E'ronoh's enemies during an attack directed at Eiram's western isles.
In 382 BBY, Braxen was assigned to the security detail of Monarch A'lbaran during a peace summit held aboard the Alif-class Longbeam Paxion. During this summit, the Viceroy Ferrol of E'ronoh instructed Braxen to eject himself from a airlock on the Paxion, claiming this act would save their planet from devastation. Braxen, demonstrating his loyalty, obeyed and died in space as a sacrifice. The viceroy then falsely accused the guard of murdering Captain Jerrod Segaru, a crime actually perpetrated by his son, Rev Ferrol, in an attempt to sabotage the peace talks. Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Padawan Enya Keen later recovered Braxen's corpse from the void, and Princess Xiri A'lbaran eventually revealed the truth behind the false accusation several weeks afterward.

During the High Republic Era, E'roni soldier Braxen called the planet E'ronoh in the Eiram system of the Outer Rim his homeworld. In his younger years, he joined E'ronoh's military to engage in conflict with their neighboring world, Eiram, also of the Outer Rim, and served for a number of years. When a state of peace was eventually established, Braxen departed from military service and took up the profession of a quarry miner. But, following the death of Prince Niko A'lbaran of E'ronoh during a diplomatic mission to Eiram in 387 BBY, Monarch A'lbaran blamed Eiram for the murder of his heir and reignited the war. Braxen then re-enlisted in the military of E'ronoh, becoming a pilot within their fleet and operating a drill ship, a ship that had been repurposed from mining operations into a destructive weapon of war.
For the next five years, Braxen grew accustomed to his role as a pilot, finding the rumble of a drill ship more comforting than silence. As the war intensified alongside a drought on E'ronoh, the pilot participated in various engagements against Eiram. During this arid seasons, Braxen began to enjoy the taste of siltgrog ale, a beverage frequently brewed on the planet. At some point, he became acquainted with several members of Thylefire Squadron, including Captain Xiri A'lbaran, the princess of E'ronoh; Lieutenant Jerrod Segaru; and fellow pilots Kinni, Bly Tevin, and Rev Ferrol. Braxen participated in a mission directed at Eiram's western isles, utilizing his drill ship to rain destruction upon the enemy. In 382 BBY, after returning to the Rook, the capital city of E'ronoh, following a mission, he learned that Xiri had brokered a cease-fire between Eiram and E'ronoh. Though he wished to remain a drill ship pilot, medics deemed him unfit for active duty.

Instead, Braxen was assigned to the security detail of Monarch A'lbaran and traveled to the Paxion, an Alif-class Longbeam owned by Orlen Mollo, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, for a peace summit intended to end the war between Eiram and E'ronoh. The soldier accompanied his world's delegation, boarding the Paxion while it was stationed in the Eiram system. During the negotiations, when the Monarch again blamed Adrialla, the queen of Eiram, for Niko's death, Xiri revealed that her brother had drowned and that the past five years of fighting would not bring him back. That evening, after a meal on the Paxion, Braxen returned to his post guarding Monarch A'lbaran's quarters, reflecting on his full stomach compared to the hunger he had experienced in recent months. Viceroy Ferrol, secretly the leader of the Children of E'ronoh, a dissident group seeking to prolong the war, approached the drill ship pilot and falsely claimed that Adrialla's secret weapons had affected Xiri. After the viceroy's explanation, Braxen agreed to assist him, believing Ferrol's claim that he was the only member of the E'roni delegation who had not been compromised.

When Braxen suggested that Segaru was still loyal, Ferrol stated that the captain had also been compromised and assured the soldier that he was a true child of E'ronoh. With the viceroy's words echoing in his ears, the guard moved in a daze to the Paxion's hangar. While walking, the pilot briefly struggled with his internal unrest about the given objective, but felt that serving E'ronoh one last time at Ferrol's request was worth it. Without hesitation, Braxen ejected himself from a airlock on the vessel and died in space, shouting his loyalty to E'ronoh with his final breath. At the same time, elsewhere on the Paxion, Ferrol's son, Rev, murdered Segaru, believing him to be too loyal to Xiri's efforts to restore peace between E'ronoh and Eiram. The Jedi aboard the Paxion felt a faint disturbance in the Force upon Braxen's passing but chose not to investigate.
After discovering Segaru's body the next day, Jedi Knight Gella Nattai and Padawan Enya Keen borrowed the Eventide starship and searched the area around the Paxion. They found Braxen's body floating in space and brought it to the Paxion's morgue. Afterward, everyone aboard the Alif-class Longbeam assumed that the guard had murdered Segaru, completing Ferrol's coverup of his son's actions. Weeks later, when Rev and a group of his father's Children of E'ronoh took Xiri hostage, she reflected on the blame placed on Braxen for Segaru's death to provide closure to the captain's family. After confronting her captor for framing the guard, he admitted his involvement and revealed that his father had helped him.

Braxen was extremely devoted to his homeworld and Monarch, willing to continue fighting despite the harsh conditions of military service. He firmly believed that E'ronoh's enemies deserved no mercy and followed his superiors' orders without hesitation, including launching brutal attacks on Eiram while piloting his drill ship. Braxen was familiar with his colleagues and had several friends he felt compelled to protect.
Although the pilot felt uneasy when receiving his final orders from Ferrol, he concealed his emotions out of loyalty and completed his last objective, to exit the Paxion's airlock and sacrifice himself, without complaint, believing his actions would save E'ronoh from ruin. Having spent much time in his ship during the war, Braxen disliked environments he considered too quiet. By 382 BBY, the soldier appeared aged.
Like all E'roni soldiers, Braxen possessed a ceremonial bane blade that he kept strapped to his hip. While serving in E'ronoh's fleet, he also wore the standard red uniform of his world's military and operated a drill ship during missions.
Braxen appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel by [Zoraida Córdova](/article/zoraida c%c3%b3rdova) as part of Phase II of Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.