Thylefire scorpion

The thylefire scorpion was a species of scorpion that originated from the worlds of both E'ronoh and Eiram. On E'ronoh, this scorpion lacked venom, but on Eiram it was poisonous. Despite the poison from the Eiram scorpions not being deadly, Queen Adrialla managed to turn it into a weapon. The manufacturing of this weaponized poison was halted, and nearly all of it was destroyed, save for a small number of samples kept as a potential weapon against future adversaries. The scorpion also held cultural significance on E'ronoh, where it was used in cuisine such as fried scorpion and sweets, and its blood was used to create a red syrup for beverages. It was also a symbol of power for E'ronoh because it could survive the harsh conditions of E'ronoh's deserts. Due to this, a fleet group located on E'ronoh, the Thylefire Squadron, was named after the creature.

