The seasoned pilot Kinni instructed Lieutenant Jerrod Segaru and Princess Xiri A'lbaran from the planet E'ronoh in the art of the Kestrel's Dive, a starfighter technique. In the year 382 BBY, A'lbaran, then holding the rank of captain, engaged in combat above the planet Eiram with her squadron, Thylefire Squadron. Their adversary was Rev Ferrol, the leader of the dissident group known as the Children of E'ronoh, and his forces. Piloting Eirami starfighters, A'lbaran and her team executed the Kestrel's Dive, successfully luring Ferrol to his demise as he crashed his drill ship into Eiram's seas.
As a starfighter tactic employed during combat, the Kestrel's Dive aimed to draw pursuing enemies into a hazardous situation, maximizing potential damage. It was most effectively executed by ships boasting superior maneuverability compared to their adversaries, proving particularly potent against heavier, less agile vessels. The Kestrel's Dive involved at least one pilot ascending to a higher altitude, often in close formation with fellow pilots, while simultaneously provoking the enemy into pursuit. Subsequently, the pilot would execute a rapid downward plunge, causing the pursuer—unable to replicate the maneuver—to crash their ship.
During the High Republic Era, the veteran E'roni pilot Kinni possessed considerable expertise in performing the Kestrel's Dive. She shared her knowledge of both the Kestrel's Dive and the Oricanoa Sweep maneuvers with Lieutenant Jerrod Segaru and Princess Xiri A'lbaran of the Outer Rim planet E'ronoh. After the commencement of the Eiram and E'ronoh War between E'ronoh and its twin planet Eiram in 387 BBY, Kinni rejoined E'ronoh's fleet, serving under A'lbaran, who had risen to the rank of captain, and Segaru within Thylefire Squadron.

In 382 BBY, Rev Ferrol, the leader of the dissenting Children of E'ronoh, and his forces launched an attack on the Galactic Republic Alif-class Longbeam named Paxion stationed on Eiram. Their objective was to seize the throne of E'ronoh from the planet's royal family. A'lbaran and Thylefire Squadron utilized Eirami starfighters to counter the group's formidable drill ships. During the conflict, the captain consulted with Kinni, arranging for them to execute a Kestrel's Dive after confirming Kinni's recollection of teaching the maneuver to her and Segaru. A'lbaran guided Kinni and the rest of Thylefire Squadron to a high altitude within Eiram's atmosphere, taunting Ferrol, who pursued her in his drill ship, fully aware of the vessel's limited maneuverability at such speeds.
The captain then released the rest of her squadron to assist with the Paxion's rescue, maintaining Ferrol's focus on herself as Thylefire Squadron broke formation. A'lbaran initiated a sharp dive toward Eiram's seas, and although Ferrol initially followed, he panicked and attempted to alter his drill ship's course as he neared the water's surface. Ultimately, his efforts were unsuccessful, and he crashed into the ocean, resulting in his death. Simultaneously, A'lbaran piloted her vessel—an Eirami craft specifically designed for aquatic travel—safely into the sea, completing the Kestrel's Dive.
The Kestrel's Dive was featured in Convergence, a 2022 novel penned by Zoraida Córdova as part of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.