Agira was a female Imroosian hailing from the planet of Imroosia. She served as a handmaiden within the House of Organa on Alderaan. In the year 9 BBY, Princess Leia Organa convinced Agira to don her clothing as a means of deception, suggesting that Queen Breha Organa would find the act amusing. Upon arriving to retrieve Leia at the Royal Palace of Alderaan, the queen was initially fooled by Agira's disguise, but she ultimately discerned the truth upon feeling the scaled texture of the Imroosian's hands.
Agira, a female Imroosian originating from the volcanic planet Imroosia, spent her early years as a handmaiden in service to the House of Organa, the royal family of Alderaan. Establishing Alderaan as her home, Agira developed a friendship with Princess Leia Organa. In 9 BBY, she was persuaded by Leia, along with three other handmaidens, to participate in a ruse. Leia suggested that her mother, Queen Breha Organa, would be amused if Agira impersonated her as a decoy. This concept was inspired by the Royal House of Naboo, where Royal Handmaidens served as decoys for the monarch. Consequently, the other handmaidens dressed Agira in the princess's clothing within a chamber of the Royal Palace of Alderaan, using a large hood to obscure her face.

The queen then entered the room. Mistaking the handmaiden for her own daughter, she began to brief Agira about an impending meeting with Celly Organa, Breha's sister, and her family. Taking Agira's hand, the queen began to guide her towards the exit, but she paused when she felt the scaled texture of the Imroosian's hands. Breha then removed the hood, revealing Agira's smiling face. The handmaiden confessed that the ruse had been Leia's idea. Subsequently, the queen departed in search of her daughter, who had secretly left to engage in shipspotting within the nearby forest.
Molly Miller played Agira in the first episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, which was broadcast on May 27, 2022. Agira's name is not spoken during the episode but is listed in the credits. Gabriel De Cunto and Scott Wheeler were responsible for the character's makeup, which took several hours to apply. Miller also worked as a stunt double for young Leia Organa in the series, making her a double for Organa in two distinct ways.
Emily Shkoukani authored the entry on Agira in the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, including the idea that Organa drew inspiration from the royals of Naboo and their Handmaidens, based on the fact that the character was raised learning about the heritage of her birth mother, Queen Padmé Amidala.