Antiplasma charge

Antiplasma charges were capable of neutralizing plasma fire. In the year 40 BBY, Rahara Wick, the pilot and jewel thief aboard the Gozanti-class cruiser known as the Meryx, deployed a solitary antiplasma charge. This action was taken to rescue a struggling soulcraft that was under attack by Pijali blackguards in the skies above the Inner Rim planet of Pijal. Subsequently, Wick provided explanations for her deed to her associate, Pax Maripher, and later to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Antiplasma charges were a type of charge that possessed the ability to neutralize plasma fire, such as that created by plasma bombs.


During the Republic Era, Pax Maripher and [Rahara Wick](/article/rahara_wick], who were jewel thieves, ensured that their Gozanti-class cruiser, the Meryx, was equipped with at least one antiplasma charge. In 40 BBY, Pijali blackguard soldiers, secretly operating under orders from Princess Fanry of Pijal to sabotage the signing of the Governance Treaty initiative before her coronation, attacked a Pijali soulcraft vessel using a plasma bomb above the Inner Rim planet of Pijal. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, having just arrived in the Pijal system, donned space-suits and began to extinguish the plasma fire that was engulfing the soulcraft's hull.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (pictured) asked Rahara Wick why she had saved the soulcraft with an antiplasma charge, only to flee after.

Maripher and Wick, who were scouting the system in search of gemstones, observed the assault from a nearby location. Wick, who had previously been enslaved by the Czerka Corporation, noticed that the soulcraft's manifest listed thirty-seven "items of sentient property," which indicated that the vessel was carrying enslaved individuals. She piloted the Meryx into position and discharged a single antiplasma charge, thereby rescuing the soulcraft and its occupants, before maneuvering their cruiser out of sight behind Pijal's moon. Maripher was taken aback and questioned her actions afterward, expressing concern about the potential compromise of their anonymity. Wick adamantly justified her decision to save the individuals aboard, asserting that she would invariably endeavor to assist those in need.

Later on, Jinn and Kenobi tracked Wick and Maripher to Pijal's moon. After Jinn highlighted the fact that she had used the antiplasma charge to save the soulcraft, Kenobi inquired as to why she had chosen to flee the scene afterward. The jewel thief revealed that there was no reason not to provide aid, showing them the scar on her hand that identified her as a former slave. This scar served as both the reason she felt compelled to help and the reason she needed to avoid being rediscovered by Czerka.

Behind the scenes

A novel by Claudia Gray titled Master & Apprentice, published in 2019, featured an antiplasma charge.

