Rahara Wick

Rahara Wick was a female human who operated as a jewel thief alongside Pax Maripher. She experienced birth into a life of slavery under the control of the Czerka Corporation on the planet Hosnian Prime, eventually managing to flee to Ord Mantell. While present on the moon of Pijal, the pair of thieves came across the Jedi figures of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Rahara Wick occurred in the canon novel titled Master & Apprentice, which was authored by Claudia Gray and released in 2019. Gray envisioned Wick being played by the actress Gemma Chan.

Gray, in a conversation with StarWars.com, detailed the creation of Wick, noting that the character and her associate, Maripher, were developed together. Gray crafted the narrative to illustrate the potential effects of slavery and indicated that Wick's nature stemmed from this concept. Furthermore, the character was conceived as a "no-nonsense Watson character" taking inspiration from Lucy Liu's portrayal of Dr. Joan Watson in the television program Elementary.

