Pax Maripher was a male human who, alongside his associate Rahara Wick, was involved in the illicit trade of gemstones. When Maripher was only five, he survived an attack by Delphidian pirates by concealing himself in an equipment hatch; however, everyone else aboard, including his parents, perished. Subsequently, protocol droids raised Maripher for fifteen years on an abandoned starship located in Wild Space. At the age of twenty, a Galactic Republic cruiser rescued him. As a result of his unusual upbringing, Maripher exhibited distinctly peculiar behavior and mannerisms. Despite his characteristic negative attitude, Maripher possessed a good heart and was a devoted friend.
Maripher and Wick journeyed to the planet Pijal with the intention of profiting from kohlen crystals, which could be mistaken for kyber crystals by those lacking expertise. However, shortly after commencing their venture on Pijal's moon, they were approached by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maripher attempted to avoid speaking with them, feigning that his shovel was a blaster and refusing to lower his "weapon." However, Wick exposed his charade and permitted the Jedi to board their vessel, the Meryx. Despite Maripher's reluctance to cooperate with the Jedi, Wick consented to assist the two Jedi in their search for indications of the Opposition, a terrorist organization causing disturbances on Pijal. Later, he assisted in freeing Wick from enslavement by the Czerka Corporation.
Pax Maripher made his debut appearance in the canon novel Master & Apprentice, authored by Claudia Gray and released in 2019. Gray envisioned Maripher being played by the actor Shaun Evans.
In an interview conducted by, Gray detailed the creation of Maripher, noting that he and Wick were inspired by the dynamic between characters in the Sherlock Holmes television show Elementary. Wick's character was conceived as a "Watson character," specifically a "female, more no-nonsense" version. Maripher, conversely, was intended from the start to be a "know-it-all." Gray further fleshed out the character by exploring the origins of his personality, imagining his upbringing by protocol droids.