The individual serving as the court jeweler for the planet Pijal, situated within the Inner Rim, was employed by the Pijali monarchy during the time of the Republic Era. Specifically, in the year 40 BBY, this jeweler played a role in assisting Princess Fanry of the Pijali people in the selection of a suitable crown for her upcoming coronation. A mere two days later, the jeweler's attendance at the coronation was marked by profound fear, as the princess forcefully took control during the ceremony, establishing herself as an absolute monarch.
During the Republic Era, the Pijali monarchy of the Inner Rim planet, namely Pijal, had a court jeweler in its service. In 40 BBY, the jeweler was present at the Pijali palace to help Princess Fanry of the Pijali people choose a crown for her coronation. Because the princess thought the first crowns she saw were too flashy, the jeweler used a datapad to search through the palace treasury records, and eventually found a small gemstone-covered crown that the princess liked better.

Two days subsequently, at the coronation event, the jeweler escorted Fanry into the Celestial Chalice of the palace carrying a wooden box containing the chosen crown. Upon reaching her designated dais, the princess committed a shocking act: she stabbed the Skykeeper, who was the religious leader of Pijal, using the ceremonial sword that was part of the coronation. This action demonstrated her intent to seize absolute power as a monarch, rather than allowing democracy to govern the planet. After activating a defensive kohlen crystal shield around herself, Fanry cast a disdainful glance at the trembling jeweler, retrieved her crown from the wooden box, and placed it upon her head.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Padawan, then used his lightsaber, which was powered by a kohlen crystal, to break through the shield of Captain Deren from Fanry's royal guard, injuring the man. Seeing her guard hurt, the newly crowned queen escaped through the roof of the Chalice by using an ascending cable to climb into a royal troop dropship, leaving the jeweler and Skykeeper behind.
The court jeweler had extensive knowledge of the various crowns stored within the Pijali monarchy's treasury, enabling her to effectively assist Princess Fanry in finding one that met her preferences. The jeweler was overcome with terror during Fanry's coronation when the princess violently took control.
The court jeweler is a character in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel penned by Claudia Gray.