The Facet, a Nivex-class starfighter crafted by the Cieran people, belonged to the thieves Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick. These individuals customized the starfighter and kept it secured within the cargo bay of their freighter, the Meryx. Its exterior was characterized by a coppery hue.
In approximately 40 BBY, Maripher and Wick journeyed to Pijal for a crystal theft, where they found themselves entangled in a Jedi mission spearheaded by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Wick piloted the Facet into a battle against the blackguards and the Czerka Corporation, ultimately resulting in her capture after being shot down. Subsequently, Kenobi and Maripher undertook repairs on the damaged starfighter. As the situation intensified, Kenobi, while aboard the Facet, inadvertently activated the autopursuit feature, leading the starfighter on a chaotic trajectory through the passageways of the Leverage cruiser, culminating in a crash into the bridge.
The Facet makes an appearance in Claudia Gray's 2019 novel, Master & Apprentice.