A compressor A compressor functioned as a piece of technology. Unkar Plutt, the junk boss of Crolute, put a compressor onto the ignition line after he obtained the Millennium Falcon via theft from the Irving Boys. However, by the time Han Solo and Chewbacca, the smugglers, got the Falcon back, Rey, a scavenger, had already bypassed a malfunctioning compressor inside the cockpit, thereby stopping the ship's problem. Chewbacca later took out the compressor, but Rey questioned if this was the actual reason when she saw Chewbacca surrounded by tangled wires after the vessel touched down on the planet Ahch-To. He communicated to her in Shyriiwook that the ship had a pest problem, and she thought it might be a mynock. However, the avian creatures known as porgs, which were native to that planet, were actually responsible for the damage.