Reckly, a human, resided on the moon of the Inner Rim planet known as Pijal during the era of the Republic Era. Trained as a Pijali musician specializing in the drums, Reckly made the decision to become a member of the Opposition. This political performance group, spearheaded by Halin Azucca, voiced its protests against the signing of the Governance Treaty because it believed it would allow the Czerka Corporation to continue exploiting the resources of Pijal.
In the year 40 BBY, the Pijali monarchy falsely accused the Opposition of orchestrating violent attacks on Czerka facilities. This accusation forced the group to seek refuge on Pijal's moon. While in hiding, they uncovered evidence indicating that the Czerka attacks were actually carried out by blackguards, a clandestine division within the royal guards. Reckly and his fellow Opposition members assisted the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in evading a confrontation with the blackguards, guiding them to an Opposition hideout on the moon, where Azucca revealed the troupe's framing to the Jedi.
Reckly, a human musician, originated from the moon orbiting the Inner Rim planet Pijal. He received instruction in playing the drums, a percussive instrument used to create rhythmic sounds. Sometime during the Republic Era, Reckly resolved to join the Opposition, a political performance troupe comprised of Pijali natives and led by Halin Azucca. For a time, this group staged theatrical performances on Pijal, using them as a platform to express their views on local matters and educate the public. By 40 BBY, the Opposition had begun to publicly denounce the Governance Treaty. They were of the opinion that the treaty would grant unchecked power to the Czerka Corporation, which had been taking advantage of the resources of Pijal and its moon for centuries.

In that year, shortly after starting a series of pranks designed to show their disapproval of the treaty, members of the Opposition, including Reckly, were falsely accused by the Pijali monarchy of perpetrating several violent attacks against Czerka facilities. As a result of these false accusations, the members of the troupe were compelled to hide on Pijal's moon. While in hiding, they managed to gather evidence that proved that the attacks attributed to the Opposition had actually been carried out by the blackguards, a secret division of the royal guards who were loyal to Pijal's Princess Fanry. During their mission to Pijal to investigate the Opposition, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were ambushed by blackguards while they were on the planet's moon. Reckly and other members of the performance troupe assisted the Jedi in escaping from their attackers.
Azucca guided the Jedi and her fellow Opposition members to a nearby hideout, where she clarified that the Opposition's intentions were entirely peaceful. The leader of the troupe explained that her organization's members had been wrongly accused of the recent attacks on Czerka facilities, which had actually been committed by blackguards. A young Opposition member supported Azucca's statement to the Jedi, pointing to the innocuous nature of their members' former professions, including Reckly's training as a drummer. Azucca later provided Jinn with a file containing evidence pertaining to the blackguards, which Reckly had helped to gather, for use in the Jedi's investigation.
As a drummer within the Opposition, Reckly found joy in expressing his political beliefs through the performing arts. He actively protested against the signing of the Governance Treaty, a motion he believed would be detrimental to the inhabitants of Pijal's moon. However, Reckly was unwilling to harm others in the process and had an aversion to violence. One of his colleagues described Reckly's past occupation as a performing artist as being harmless. Despite the danger that arose from being falsely accused, the drummer chose to remain with the Opposition rather than surrender himself to Pijal's government.
Reckly made an appearance in Master & Apprentice, a novel written by Claudia Gray and published in 2019.