
Lah'mu, situated in the Raioballo sector within the Outer Rim Territories, was an agricultural planet distinguished by its ringed structure. A small group of settlers resided on the planet, notably the Erso family, who had sought refuge on Lah'mu following the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Regrettably, Director Orson Callan Krennic eventually located them years later.


Krennic's shuttle at the Erso homestead

Far removed from established hyperspace routes, Lah'mu's isolated location in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim Territories made it a relatively inaccessible planet within the galaxy. The planet's defining feature, its planetary rings, consisted predominantly of silica debris originating from a disintegrated ancient moon, a catastrophic event that predated the Clone Wars. Lah'mu did, however, retain one remaining natural satellite.

The planet itself displayed a vibrant, dark green hue, owing to its biosphere's unique ability to transform iron into chlorophyll. The climate was characterized by frequent rainfall. The planet's crust, scarred by numerous fractures in its early geological history, boasted fertile soil enriched with minerals brought to the surface during these tumultuous events. Despite an abundant hydrosphere, the presence of substances like zinc, chlorine, cobalt, nitrogen, and boron rendered the groundwater unpalatable. Furthermore, volcanic tephra contaminated the vegetation. The planet's high mineral content and rainfall were largely attributed to significant volcanic and geothermal activity, particularly prevalent in the Eastern hemisphere.

Lah'mu's planetary rings

Lah'mu's tranquil and verdant landscape featured mountain peaks, plateaus, some volcanoes, black sand beaches, saline seas, geysers, and cultivated farmlands. The majority of settlers inhabited the fertile lowlands of the western hemisphere.


The name Lah'mu originated from a Neimoidian term signifying "prosperity." In its early geological evolution, Lah'mu's crust underwent multiple splits, resulting in the deposition of minerals and soils on the surface, which were later utilized for agriculture by the planet's scattered inhabitants. Initially possessing several moons, Lah'mu acquired its distinctive planetary ring following the destruction of an ancient satellite. The resulting debris was drawn into orbit, forming silica rings that cast shadows across the planet's surface. During this period, volcanoes released tephra, contaminating the natural greenery and necessitating careful soil sifting by subsequent settlers.

Lah'mu was a focus of the Republic Ministry of Economic Development

During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, the Ministry of Economic Development actively encouraged citizens to resettle on planets like Lah'mu, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, providing incentives such as land grants for homestead development. Despite mismanagement that led to sparse populations or abandonment on many worlds, Lah'mu was considered safe, albeit largely forgotten.

At one point, the Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi visited a royal fortress on Lah'mu alongside his Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

By 13 BBY, Lah'mu's population consisted of fewer than five hundred settlers, primarily engaged in farming on the western hemisphere. Many of these individuals had sought refuge on Lah'mu to escape the ravages of war. Among them were the Erso family, whose prior association with Orson Krennic during the Clone Wars compelled them to seek concealment on this remote and isolated world. Galen and Lyra Erso opted to establish their residence on a sixty-five hectare homestead situated on the planet's less frequented eastern side, acquiring the property with assistance from Saw Gerrera. The Ersos cultivated crops and employed Pretormin Environmental Corporation GX-8 water vaporators to extract water vapor from the atmosphere.

Death troopers at the Erso homestead

Unfortunately for the family, Director Krennic eventually located them and arrived on Lah'mu with the intention to take Galen, Lyra, and their young daughter Jyn with him, seeking to secure Galen's expertise for the completion of his delayed Death Star project. Galen resisted, leading to a brief armed conflict in which Krennic sustained a minor injury and Lyra was fatally shot. Krennic's death troopers subsequently set fire to the homestead and apprehended Galen, while Jyn escaped to a concealed shelter beneath a camouflaged hatch disguised as an artificial rock, located beyond the homestead's perimeter. She was later rescued by Gerrera.


Lah'mu's sparse population consisted of fewer than five hundred human settlers who resided on the tranquil and verdant farmlands of the western hemisphere. The majority of these inhabitants had migrated to the planet to avoid the Clone Wars, encouraged by the Republic Ministry of Economic Development. The planet's remoteness from established hyperspace routes contributed to its low population density. No indigenous intelligent lifeforms were known to exist on Lah'mu.

Behind the scenes

Lah'mu was conceived for the 2016 motion picture Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Lahmu is a Mesopotamian deity associated with agriculture.

