
Selbie, a human female who worked as a hostess, could be found at a cantina located on the Inner Rim planet of Pijal. During the era of the Republic Era, this Pijali woman became acquainted with Rael Averross, who was the Jedi lord regent of Pijal. During his time as the ruler of the planet, they engaged in a casual sexual relationship. In 40 BBY, Selbie encountered Averross at the cantina and turned away a Chagrian patron's disrespectful remarks directed at the regent. Several days later, she spent the night with Averross in the regent's quarters within the Pijali palace.


Selbie's homeworld was the Inner Rim planet Pijal.

Selbie, a human female hostess, was native to the Inner Rim planet known as Pijal. At some point during the Republic Era, she began her employment at a cantina situated in Pijal's capital city. Selbie and Rael Averross, the Jedi Lord Regent of the planet, maintained an on-again, off-again sexual relationship throughout his time in power. In 40 BBY, Averross, accompanied by a group of Pijal varactyl riders from the stables connected to the Pijali palace, paid a visit to the cantina where Selbie worked. Prompted by a colleague, the regent opted to inquire whether the Pijali hostess was interested in resuming their relationship.

Selbie responded to Averross's advances with enthusiasm, dismissing the Chagrian patron she had been conversing with. The patron, enraged by Selbie's casual dismissal, began to insult the regent while boasting about himself. However, when Averross brandished his lightsaber at the Chagrian, the patron retreated from the cantina. Despite threatening to report Averross to the authorities on Pijal, Selbie cheerfully informed him that the Jedi was, in fact, the ruling regent of the planet. After the patron's departure, Averross and Selbie exchanged brief greetings, only to be interrupted by an alarm summoning him back to the Pijali palace.

Some days later, Selbie spent the night with Averross in the regent's quarters located within the Pijali palace. When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn entered the quarters, he discovered them in bed together. Jinn's arrival caused the embarrassed hostess to hurriedly gather her belongings and depart, despite Averross's objections. Although Averross defended his choice to enjoy Selbie's company, Jinn considered it inappropriate conduct for a Jedi. Averross remained unrepentant, expressing regret over Selbie's hasty exit.

Personality and traits

Selbie possessed a flirtatious and confident demeanor, coupled with a risqué sense of humor. While working at the cantina, she assertively defended herself against a persistent patron attempting to make advances. As a citizen of Pijal, Selbie respected the Pijali monarchy's rule and had no reservations about pursuing a casual relationship with the planet's Lord Regent, Rael Averross. Despite enjoying Averross's company, she also felt free to engage in other relationships when they were apart. Selbie, a human female, had blonde hair and large breasts. Averross found her physically attractive and considered her to be relatively close to his own age.


During her visits to Averross in the Pijali palace, Selbie wore an underdress and carried a cloak, which she put on when leaving the regent's quarters.

Behind the scenes

Selbie made an appearance in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel authored by Claudia Gray. In an interview, Gray mentioned that she wrote the scene in which Jinn interrupts Averross and Selbie's evening to illustrate that not all Jedi adhered to complete chastity. The author explained that Averross and some other Jedi believed that casual physical encounters were acceptable as long as they were not romantic, while others, such as Jinn, disapproved of such behavior. The regent's quarters scene drew inspiration from the mannerisms depicted in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, aiming to convey that casual flings would always occur throughout history, even within the Star Wars universe.

