Regent's private office

The personal workspace used by the regent was situated within the royal palace on Pijal, a planet found in the Inner Rim. Pijal was governed by the Pijali monarchy. This office became the primary workspace for the Jedi Rael Averross when he undertook his mission to Pijal, where he was to act as the lord regent. In 40 BBY, the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, accompanied by his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, paid a visit to Averross's private office. They also met with Deren, the captain of the Pijali guard, and Halin Azucca, who was the leader of the Opposition.


The regent's personal office was located inside the Pijali palace, which itself was on the Inner Rim planet of Pijal. This space contained a large desk, a chair, and several windows. By 40 BBY, the office, which was originally adorned in the elegant style of the Pijali monarchy, had become quite run-down and stuffy. Piles of data solids, holoprojectors, and scanners were stacked near the windows.


Rael Averross, a Jedi, was dispatched to Pijal in 48 BBY to serve as the lord regent. He subsequently adopted the office as his own private space. Due to Averross's lack of organization, the office gradually became more disheveled and cluttered. As time passed, the regent accumulated numerous devices near the windows, which were now dusty, thus obstructing the light.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi visited the office during their Pijal mission.

During their mission to Pijal in BBY 40, Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan, went to the regent's personal office. Their purpose was to meet with Averross and Deren, who was the captain of the Pijali guard. The Jedi also encountered Halin Azucca, the leader of the Opposition performance group. She had turned herself in to the palace day's authorities earlier that same day so she could give Jinn information about the blackguard soldiers' attacks on various places across Pijal. While in the office, Averross criticized Azucca for attempting to shift the blame from herself and onto the blackguards, a group he thought was not real. The performance artist insisted that she had brought enough proof on a datapad, and she urged Jinn to use his fingerprint to unlock it.

Even though Averross loudly declared that the performance artist's statements were absurd, Jinn and Kenobi proceeded to examine the evidence on her datapad. The evidence pointed to the location of a potential blackguard base on Pijal. Azucca explained that an Opposition holovid artist had tracked a blackguard signal to a heavily-armed facility on the planet's surface. In the end, Jinn convinced the regent to leave his office and reluctantly investigate the situation.

Behind the scenes

The regent's private office is featured in Master & Apprentice, a novel penned by Claudia Gray and released in 2019.

