Zade Kalliday

Zade Kalliday was a smuggler of the male persuasion, known for his operations aboard the Midnight Blade starship. His attempt to sneak cargo onto Batuu was thwarted by the First Order. They confiscated his illicit goods and killed his associate, Valoss. Once on Batuu, Kalliday sought refuge in Oga's Cantina, where Vi Moradi intervened, rescuing him from a squad of First Order stormtroopers. Subsequently, Kalliday became a member of Moradi's Resistance cell.

Personality and traits

Kalliday, known for his heavy drinker habits, possessed a magnetic personality. Vi Moradi brought him into the Resistance due to his natural charisma and talent for attracting individuals sympathetic to their cause. Despite projecting an image of self-interest and a desire to undermine the First Order, Zade once shared a close bond with the Devaronian smuggler Valoss, and was wary of forming new attachments, fearing a similar loss. He did, however, develop a connection with Kriki, the Chadra-Fan mechanic and slicer.

