Lum was a type of drinkable alcohol consumed by various species like humans and Lateros. A dark variety of lum, known as Deep Core, was available at locations such as Cid's Parlor in Ord Mantell City on Ord Mantell, within Mokko's living area in his hive on Ipsidon on the planet Serolonis, and also at Tanda's Cantina located on Suria space station, not long after the Galactic Empire was established, as the label of the drink indicated.
In the early years of the Imperial Era, the former Jedi Cere Junda enjoyed drinking lum. After being ejected from Nar Shaddaa's Slag Pit due to a brawl, she shared a flask of lum with her comrade Greez Dritus. Despite her fondness for the memory, Junda eventually gave up drinking the beverage.
Saw Gerrera, the rebel and freedom fighter, consumed lum with his fellow Partisans while stationed at an outpost on the ocean planet Wrea. During a discussion with [Idryssa Barruck](/article/idryssa_barruck] one evening, they shared a bottle of lum. The following morning, Gerrera experienced a mild hangover.
Lum was on the menu at the Zero Angle, a bar situated in the Imperial Bright Jewel Oversector Flight Base on the moon Axxila III. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Artur Essada, a TIE fighter pilot belonging to the Imperial Army's Nashtah Squadron, consumed lum while at the establishment. Essada's fellow squad member Huck Trompo caused the pilot's lum to spill while making a gesture.
Lum initially appeared in Tatooine Manhunt, a 1988 adventure book associated with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, and subsequently featured in numerous other Star Wars Legends narratives. The drink made its first appearance in canon within "Last Call at the Zero Angle," a short story penned by Jason Fry and released in Star Wars Insider 156 in 2015.
In the 2019 video game titled Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, there are several dialogues that can be initiated while traveling between planets aboard the Stinger Mantis, one of which briefly mentions lum.