M-6NK, also known as Monk, functioned as a bartender droid at Pyloon's Saloon located on the planet of Koboh. He was the business associate of the Latero named Greez Dritus. Monk was well-known for his keen observation of the saloon's customers, as well as his vast knowledge of drinks.


"Monk" M-6NK's initial encounter with Latero pilot Greez Dritus occurred while he was bartending in a shady underworld gambling establishment. Dritus was a regular at the sabacc table. Dritus was in search of a business partner, and Monk was looking for a way to leave his current job. The droid revealed to Dritus that the saloon's former owner, Abel Drongite, had run afoul of the marauder group known as the Bedlam Raiders, making the establishment ripe for the taking.

Monk found his duties at the gambling den—especially those behind the scenes—highly unpleasant. He even stated that he would prefer the Bedlam Raiders to his previous employer. This work involved using information he overheard at the bar against the customers, and his employer was unlikely to let Monk resign. Fortunately, Monk managed to escape due to a restraining bolt malfunction. Regardless, Monk preferred to avoid discussing his past.

His relationship with Dritus was significantly more agreeable, although they frequently argued and disagreed. Despite their disagreements, Monk recognized that Dritus was a far superior employer to his previous one. He declared that he would have to be forcibly removed from Pyloon's in a scrap box, as he greatly preferred the job over his previous, distasteful employment. In 9 BBY, upon being introduced to Cal Kestis, Monk informed the Jedi that he believed Dritus had invented him, given how often he spoke about Kestis.

He maintained positive relationships with Pyloon's patrons while also monitoring them. He was aware of Turgle's substantial outstanding debt and would completely trust Mosey Cimmaron if she were to become the saloon's bouncer. He showed great interest in ZN-A4 (Zee), a droid from the High Republic era that Kestis rescued from underneath the saloon. He often referred to her as "Heritage" and felt that she added life to the place.

Monk believed that a skilled bartender needed to be adept at multitasking, possess a strong memory, have a gift for conversation, and master the art of mixology. His philosophy was that better drinks led to happier customers, which in turn led to more conversation, allowing Monk to learn what motivated them. Monk spent his time behind the bar listening to all the conversations the patrons engaged in. He had heard about a traveling troubadour and a DJ exploring the planet and shared this information with Kestis. These wanderers turned out to be the musician Ashe Javi and their droid DD-EC, who became the resident musicians performing at Pyloon's.

Monk was of the opinion that every client had a tell, and his was his unwavering honesty. He understood that most things in the galaxy were beyond anyone's control, and all anyone could do was react to what the galaxy threw at them. When he wasn't actively listening to the bar's clientele, Monk would sing, often making up songs as he went.

Due to his previous employment, Monk had connections to Imperial channels and knew that Koboh was now on the Empire's radar. When an Imperial-class Star Destroyer appeared above the planet, Monk considered creating a new drink to commemorate the event.


Monk was equipped with a small tank filled with alcoholic beverages, four arms—the lower two of which served as beverage dispensers—an optical scanner, and four hundred olfactory sensors, each capable of simultaneously detecting a unique scent.

Behind the scenes

M-6NK was created for the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Chris Diamantopoulos provided the character's portrayal.

