
Scazz, a type of vermin-like creature dwelling underground, made their home on the planet of Zeffo. These beings were capable of signaling their aggressive intentions from head to tail and possessed excessively large mouths employed for ambush tactics. Due to their impaired eyesight, they were susceptible to bright light, typically inhabiting dimly lit or shaded environments, although they posed a significant danger when encountered in large groups. During his visit to Zeffo during the Imperial Era, Cal Kestis, the one-time Jedi Padawan, faced an assault from a number of scazz. Their meat was deemed suitable for consumption.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Scazz occurred in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a video game released in 2019 and brought to life by Respawn Entertainment. Throughout the game's creation, the creature was intended to fulfill the function of a swift and repulsive antagonist, ensuring the player felt no empathy towards it. Ultimately, the development team chose a rat-like creature that walked on two legs. Jean-Francois Rey, an artist, was responsible for the concept art of the Scazz.

