
A Trodatome male prospector named Gido called the planet Koboh his home. He and the human Gulu were romantically involved.


Before the events of 9 BBY, Gido was among the initial wave of prospectors on Koboh, searching for priorite. However, he soon abandoned the endeavor due to his lack of expertise and a severe gastro-dermis sunburn. Gido and Gulu's relationship began when they bonded over making fun of their fellow prospectors, notably Rumsy Forlo, whom Gulu affectionately dubbed 'Clumsy Rumsy', much to Gido's amusement. Their dating started because they simply disliked each other less than they disliked the other prospectors.

Gido was a Trodatome male

Gido often reminisced about his early days on Koboh, fondly remembering them. Upon first settling in Rambler's Reach Outpost with Gulu, he felt life was better when the Outpost was sparsely populated and peaceful. He attributed the changes to the opening of Pyloon's Saloon, and he preferred the previous owner Abel Drongite over the eventual owner Greez Dritus. He recalled that Drongite would allow customers to accumulate debts for hundreds of cycles and even let them sleep on the floor. Gido reluctantly accepted that change was inevitable in the galaxy, and that the only constant was time itself.

He would frequently recall the various events he had witnessed in the Outpost since his arrival. He remembered the arrival of the first prospectors, the intense heatwave that melted his membrane, and the aphren swarm that served as the town's food source. Gido considered himself and Gulu to be among the last of an old guard, especially after Drongite's death at the hands of the Bedlam Raiders before 9 BBY.

When Gulu accused him of lacking courage, Gido reminded her of the time he expelled a shiverpede from their dwelling to demonstrate his bravery. Gulu countered by pointing out that the creature was already deceased and that, lacking hands, he had merely kicked it out the door.

In 9 BBY, they encountered the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and the droid BD-1 near Pyloon's. During the Jedi's stay in the Outpost, they entertained him with their humorous tales of scorn for their fellow townsfolk. The pair expressed concern that the locals' cowardice would lead to their downfall, leaving no one for them to mock.

As one of the original inhabitants of the Outpost, Gido resented the damage inflicted by the Bedlam Raiders, but he believed that the Raiders would not dare to bother him or Gulu. He opposed the Empire's presence on the planet, complaining that the occupation was causing him distress. He supported Gulu's suggestion of forming a town collective against the Empire following their increased presence and the arrival of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer above the planet. He thought the collective needed a catchy name, suggesting the 'Good Guy Gang', but quickly retracted the idea after verbalizing it. He abandoned the idea of a collective after realizing it would require more effort than he was willing to expend.

Despite the changes and the Imperial occupation of Koboh, he conceded that he was too old and set in his ways to leave.

Personality and traits

Gido was often irritable and disliked most other beings. He and Gulu spent much of their time complaining and engaging in gossip about others. He ridiculed Tulakt's fortune-telling abilities and asserted that Wini Eres was proof that money couldn't buy everything, noting her lack of friends. He once requested a protocol droid to calculate the odds of Moran escaping bankruptcy, but claimed the droid malfunctioned during the calculation. He also dismissed Pili Walde as an oddity for conversing with her plants, remarking that the only thing she had in common with her plants is that they both belong in the dirt.

While Gido generally avoided forming friendships, he did attempt to make some during his time in the Outpost, but without much success. He recalled how Vork met his end due to a runaway landspeeder, Drillo perished attempting to ride a gorocco, and Twakuhka was incinerated while juggling thermal detonators. Pi'tar left to take a job off-world, but he died soon after when his shuttle crashed.

Behind the scenes

Gido made an appearance in the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

