Pili Walde was a botanist who made her home on the planet of Koboh, finding employment at Pyloon's Saloon where she worked for Greez Dritus.
Pili Walde was a botanist and plant geneticist of considerable skill, achieving prominence in her field at a relatively young age. Her work evolved into a true passion, leading her to a groundbreaking approach: the hybridization of genetically diverse specimens within unconventional, large-scale environments, which she simply called growing new plants in new places. After discovering she could not have children, her interest in botany deepened, as she found joy in observing growth. She struggled with a particular plant, a rare subspecies of the Poola blossom, which proved remarkably resistant to her efforts. Her frustration mounted as the plant consistently refused to thrive, regardless of her interventions. Eventually, she came to the conclusion that the species only prospered naturally in the wild.
Her research was brought to a halt when the Empire took control of her planet, resulting in the loss of her nursery. Her laboratory was transformed into a facility for biochemical weapons production, and her research was exploited for purposes of death. Despite attempts to coerce her, Walde refused to cooperate and fled the planet aboard an unauthorized shuttle. Tragically, her parents and siblings, whom she remembered as gentle yet resilient, did not survive the Imperial occupation. Walde came to believe that her plants were all she had left, and that they were defiant in their own way.
She eventually sought refuge on Jedha, where she continued to cultivate plants, despite the challenging conditions. Walde hoped to find a new purpose after feeling lost since her departure from her home planet, as she attempted to nurture the struggling seeds in the harsh desert landscape. Ultimately, she recognized the futility of her efforts, but felt that her duty as a botanist was to provide assistance, even if she was hesitant to acknowledge that the desert was not conducive to life.
In 9 BBY, while attempting to continue her research on Jedha, she crossed paths with Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. She lamented her lack of success on the planet, and Kestis suggested that she relocate to Pyloon's Saloon on Koboh to pursue her botanical interests, which she later acted upon.
After making Koboh her home, she found it to be a welcoming place. She was attracted to the energy on Pyloon's rooftop and viewed her new life as an opportunity for personal and botanical growth. She utilized the cantina's rooftop to cultivate and care for seeds and plants brought by Kestis during his travels across Koboh. With each seed he provided, Walde would provide him with a detailed description of the plant.
Walde expressed dismay at the presence of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer over Koboh after Kestis' victory over the Bedlam Raiders, noting that the shade it cast was detrimental to her plants' growth. She held the belief that the Empire could be defeated, but that it would require time.
Following the Mantis crew's journey to Tanalorr, Pili mentored Kata Akuna, teaching her the fundamentals of gardening, with the young girl particularly enjoying the task of pruning. She would explain to Kata that trees grew one ring at a time, and that her knowledge would expand as she matured.