Wini Eres, a member of the same species as Silvasu Fi, made her home on the world of Koboh.
Originally an interior designer based on Coruscant, Wini eventually departed for the Outer Rim. In the year 9 BBY, she found herself stranded within the Viscid Bog of Koboh, after local wildlife pilfered her datapad containing her design portfolio. It was there that she crossed paths with Zygg Soza, who was on a mission to rescue the High Republic-era droid ZN-A4 from the clutches of the Bedlam Raiders. Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, also in search of the droid, encountered Eres at a homestead within the Bog. Eres requested Kestis' assistance in recovering her stolen datapad, a request he accepted. Eres expressed her gratitude to Kestis, saying he 'shines like the stars', a common Coruscant expression. Soza made the decision to remain with her, ensuring Wini's safety.
Knowing Soza was a lifelong resident, Eres inquired about the availability of modern technology like datapads on Koboh, but Soza reassured her that she would find her one if Kestis was unsuccessful. Eres expressed her gratitude, acknowledging the sentimental significance of her datapad, which contained all her designs and her reference databank, and the prospect of starting over if it was lost.

Following Cal Kestis' declaration that Ere's datapad was damaged beyond repair, Soza offered to attempt to find a replacement at Rambler's Reach Outpost, and the two agreed to visit Pyloon's Saloon for a drink. Eres found the saloon to be charmingly run-down and completely unique, observing that if the establishment were located on Coruscant, the prices would be four times as high and there would still be long queues.
Subsequently, the pair began to renovate the Outpost together, utilizing salvaged Koboh technology. Eres considered the Outpost quaint but in need of some painting, while Soza handled all the electrical work in the area. Soza believed the pair's skillsets complemented each other perfectly, a sentiment that Eres shared. Eres eventually desired to renovate more than just a water pump and began seeking inspiration.
Eres was captivated by the colors of Koboh. She once adored Coruscant, but she eventually found the neon to be too overwhelming. Her experiences on Koboh made her realize that the opulence she had experienced in life was insignificant. Back on Coruscant, others brought her designs to life, but on Koboh she got involved and enjoyed it far more. She was intrigued by Soza's local knowledge and wanted to hear all her stories. Shortly after, they developed romantic feelings for one another. Eres suggested to Soza that they leave the planet and visit Coruscant together. Soza admitted that she would love to see the ecumenopolis as all of the machines and lights enticed her. She liked the idea of being around lots of ships, but not lots of people, however. Wini told her that she had not lived until she had danced the night away on a pleasure barge circling the Uscru District. Hearing that, Soza told Eres she would make the trip just to see that.
While spending time in Pyloon's, the couple also noticed the growing romance between Kestis and Merrin, a Nightsister hailing from Dathomir. Eres referred to Merrin as a delightfully dark maven and remarked that she was more subtle in her feelings than Kestis.
Despite the increasing Imperial presence on Koboh, Eres was reluctant to leave the planet, even with the "atrocious and effective stormtrooper helmets" being present everywhere she went. Soza grew increasingly agitated and vowed to not let the Empire take the Outpost, but Eres reminded her that she could not stop an army by herself. She came to despise the Empire, saying they desired people throughout the galaxy to be all be the same - fearful and obedient. Soza commented that a thousand Empire's couldn't change Wini.
Following the defeat of the Bedlam Raiders, the pair ultimately decided to pursue their relationship beyond Koboh. They held optimistic hopes for their future but acknowledged that Koboh couldn't provide what they needed. They departed Koboh without a definite destination, knowing that their togetherness was all that mattered.