Zygg Soza

Zygg Soza was a female human who called the Outer Rim planet of Koboh her home.


Zygg, who was born and brought up by her parents on a Koboh homestead, consistently sought ways to contribute to her community. A skilled mechanic, she often dedicated her time to repairing structures within Rambler's Reach Outpost. However, she often felt lonely and desired a partner with whom to share the work.

Throughout her life, Soza had worked and explored the planet, and she recognized Koboh's potential as a valuable source for scrappers. Despite her awareness of the general dislike for the Empire, she was also pragmatic enough to realize the availability of credits through Imperial salvage contracts. Nevertheless, she understood that Senate votes held increasingly less weight as the Empire's reign continued.

Soza found it easier to interact with droids compared to humanoids. She explained that droids were easier to relate to, logical, and easily repairable when damaged. She considered humanoids unpredictable, but she held the belief that finding the right person would make things easier. Sometime before 9 BBY, she successfully repaired a damaged B1-series battle droid, believing that enough time had passed since the end of the Clone Wars to render the act inconsequential.

Despite her affection for her homeworld, she grew increasingly frustrated with the presence of the Bedlam Raiders. She avoided their base near the waterfall in the forest and lamented the changes that had occurred on Koboh since their arrival.

Despite her anticipation of a Raider blaster being pointed at her upon entering, Soza frequently spent time in Pyloon's Saloon. She maintained friendships with fellow patrons Toa and Turgle, engaging in frequent conversations with them. In 9 BBY, she encountered Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and ZN-A4 (Zee), a droid from the High Republic era whom Kestis had rescued from a Jedi chamber located beneath the saloon. She quickly formed a bond with the talkative droid. Soza was pleased to see Pyloon's thriving for once, thanks to the arrival of the Jedi and those he recruited to liven up the cantina.

When the Bedlam Raiders kidnapped Zee, Zygg embarked on a search for her. She journeyed to the Viscid Bog, where she encountered Wini Eres, an interior designer from Coruscant. A creature had stolen Eres' datapad, which contained all of her designs. Soza decided to stay and assist her in recovering the lost item.

After Cal Kestis informed them that Wini's datapad was irreparably damaged, Zygg returned to Rambler's Reach Valley with Wini. Together, they began renovating the Outpost using salvaged Koboh technology. Eres found the Outpost charming but in need of a fresh coat of paint, while Soza took care of all the wiring tasks in the area. Zygg believed that their skills complemented each other perfectly, a sentiment that Eres shared.

As time passed, they developed romantic feelings for each other. Eres suggested that they leave the planet and visit Coruscant together. Soza admitted that she would love to see the ecumenopolis, as she was drawn to all the machines and lights. She liked the idea of being around lots of ships, but not lots of people, however. Wini told her that she had not truly lived until she had danced the night away on a pleasure barge circling the Uscru District. Upon hearing this, Soza told Eres that she would make the trip just to witness it.

While spending time in Pyloon's, the couple also noticed the growing romance between Kestis and Merrin, a Nightsister from Dathomir. Soza advised Kestis to embrace it and not to dwell on the insignificant details, as those were the things he would remember.

As the Imperial presence on Koboh intensified, Soza grew increasingly agitated and vowed to prevent the Empire from taking over the Outpost. Eres was less enthusiastic about leaving the planet due to Imperial oppression and reminded her that she could not single-handedly defeat an army. Following the defeat of the Bedlam Raiders, the pair ultimately decided to pursue their relationship off-planet and departed from Koboh.

