Riots represented a type of civic disruption, often involving widespread destruction, acts of violence, and other unlawful behavior. These events commonly arose from deep-seated public discontent or opposition, typically linked to issues like substandard living conditions, oppression, taxation, or conflicts rooted in species, race, or religious differences, among other factors.
Various organizations responsible for maintaining order, such as the Coruscant Security Force, the Coruscant Guard, Scout Soldiers, and the Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police, were deployed to quell these disturbances. They employed an array of non-lethal weaponry and equipment, including the energy baton, the R-88 Suppressor riot rifle, the Taser stave, the Strikebreaker Riot Control Vehicle, and rolo-droids.
- Due to widespread joblessness resulting from the Mandalorian Wars, angry inhabitants initiated widespread rioting across Taris, resulting in entire districts of the skyline being engulfed in flames.
- Following the Republic's attempt to enforce a quarantine on Rori due to an outbreak of Brainworm Rot, rioters completely destroyed the hospital and holding facility located in Narmlé.
- Political tensions between supporters of General Vaklu and Queen Talia on Onderon triggered the eruption of numerous riots. [2]
- Multiple Coruscant riots took place during both the Great Galactic War and the Cold War: Coruscant riots (3680 BBY) Coruscant riots (3661 BBY) Coruscant riots (3653 BBY)
- A food scarcity triggered months of rioting on Kabal, leading to the deaths of four Jedi.
- On Oovo IV, Jango Fett and Zam Wesell endeavored to extract Bendix Fust amidst an uprising among prisoners.
- The Prospector's Riot unfolded when disgruntled purchasers attacked the crew of the Lucky Despot due to defective M-HYD droids.
- The Tertiary Ingo Riots transpired on the unforgiving world of Ingo, most likely caused by the planet's challenging conditions.
- Enslaved Yuzzem on Ragna III were notorious for frequently rebelling against their Imperial oppressors.
- Moff Jander Graffe deliberately incited riots among alien populations in the Darpa sector as a smokescreen for implementing a new "security tax."
- A chain of riots stemming from conflicts between rival gangs erupted on Lenthalis shortly before the Battle of Hoth.
- In the wake of the Rebel Alliance's triumph in the Battle of Endor and the demise of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, widespread riots and rebellions occurred across numerous Imperial-controlled planets as the news disseminated throughout the galaxy. [3]
- Drend Navett engaged in multiple acts of sabotage and sparked riots on various planets, including one on Dordolum.
- During the Caamas Document Crisis, Bothawui experienced a multitude of riots directed against Bothan individuals. [4]
- Marches organized by the Human League commonly escalated into riots.
- The Loronar Corporation was infamous for its corruption, including instigating riots on Ampliquen.
- The First Corellian Insurrection was characterized by several riots.
- The confinement of Corellians on Coruscant triggered numerous riots during the Second Galactic Civil War.