
Narmlé was an ancient ruler of Naboo, a world whose brief period as king occurred circa 2032 BBY. Dubbed "the Explorer," King Narmlé established a colony on Rori, the marshy satellite of Naboo.

Narmlé was generally considered to be an engaging and bright individual. A perpetual adventurer, he dedicated much of his time to exploring far-off planets in pursuit of undiscovered landscapes. In time, the Naboo Royal Advisory Council proposed that Narmlé step down from his position as king and instead serve as an envoy. Prior to his departure as king, Narmlé initiated plans for a novel settlement on Rori, the Nabooian moon. He imagined Rori evolving into a thriving agricultural center, providing sustenance and medical supplies to nearby planets. Nevertheless, Rori only drew a small number of inhabitants. Disheartened, Narmlé abandoned Rori and disappeared into the Outer Rim permanently.

By 1 ABY, the urban center he had assisted in developing still carried his namesake, Narmle.

